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Off Topic - Madeline McCann

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  • #16

    I completely agree. I could go on a huge rant...but i won't. I do feel sick to my stomach when i look at stations like CNN though. Journalistic integrity has given way to sensationalism. CNN is nothing more then a video tabloid...and the other stations aren't much better. However unfortunate this situation is....there are far more dire things happening in the world.
    -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


    • #17
      Lele, I hear you and well said, I agree with most of it. Opening a can like that was not my intention of the post- you are simply pointing out the sickness of the powers that influence our daily lives, media, governments, corporates etc. I did say in an earlier post that our society is hypocritical because of its double standards and how it deals with this.

      lele, so if you were in their shoes you would not want any resources spent to find your child based on the hypocrities of media/governments etc? Thats the bit that makes no sense to me.

      Maybe the only good that will come from this is to act as a catalyst for introducing a pan european network as the AMBER alert of child abduction is in the US.

      Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.


      • #18
        Originally posted by tom182
        lele, so if you were in their shoes would you not want any resources spent to find your child based on the hypocrities of media/governments etc? That the bit that makes no sense to me
        I'd imagine its because you missed the point - everybody wants that. Why them? How come out of everyone in the world, all the hundreds of thousands of kids that have ever gone missing, are they the sole recipients of this kind of attention, which is what now amounts to a global hunt for a localised incident.

        Its undeserved - yeah i'd want a lot done if I was in their shoes. But so do a lot of other people who dont get a fraction of what these have.


        • #19
          One hurt child is one too many.
          It's the dichotomy between one child over here, and the millions over there that strikes me as entirely unjust.
          That, and the thousand people that feed on the economical reflection that a media case like this generates, along with the millions of hypocrites that need to feel bad for something to subside their (rightful) guilt for the rest.
          In other words, cry for this child, but turn on your car in the morning, and don't hear the screams of dead iraqui children.



          • #20
            Lele, I couldn't have written my own thoughts as well as you have in your last few posts, I agree completely with everything you have said. I am mentally tired of the world press, the world is in a downward spiral financially, spiritually and ethically and the press everyday acts like everything is running just how it should.
            Its not, it is run by an elite set of individuals in the banking system. Our own governments don't have the power anymore, it is the banks. Democracy has long since passed and the world media is now the toy of the rulling classes.
            This kind of story is great fodder for the press as it is an easy way of selling papers and allows them to distract us from what is actually happening in world right, this minute.

            *deep breath*


            • #21
              Well said mate. I wish I could express myself so clearly on these issues.
              Patrick Macdonald
              Lighting TD : Developer of "Mission Control", the spreadsheet editor for 3ds Max

