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360 degree object QTVRs

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  • 360 degree object QTVRs

    Hi guys,
    just wondering what solution your using for 360 degree object vrs these days?

    Just about to start a product design job that needs a lot of object vrs.
    Chris Jackson

  • #2
    If you mean software to create the .mov file from images > Pano2QTVR
    I use it to create panoramas, but works for object vr's too. There's a tutorial on the site how to make one.


    • #3
      thanks VKNT, pano2qtvr just makes an object qtvr with only 1 axis. I want to be able to look at it from above and below not just the sides
      Chris Jackson


      • #4
        It is capable of 2 axis object vr's too. Take a look at this sample :

        I don't know how make that though. There are no help files with the program so if you can't find how to do it in the online tutorials, you could mail the creator, or post something in the forum.

        Hope this helps.


        • #5
          I use a program called ObjectWorx which is part of VR Worx 2.6. VR Worx is a suite of applications for creating both object VRs and panorama VRs. It's ok but it can be a bit slow.

          Dan Brew


          • #6
            I've downloaded the Pano2QTVR but what kind of camera type should I use in order to work with this program. The only choices I have inside Pano2QTVR are Equirectangular, Cubic, and Cylindrical and none of the vray cameras seem compatable.


            • #7
              you can use pano2qtvr with the physical cam but you need to pre calculate your irradiance map for the entire model to keep the GI smooth
              Chris Jackson


              • #8
                Equirectangular is what you want, just render out with a standard max cam and set it to be a spherical 360deg cam in the vray camera rollout so you get a wide render, then drop it into pano2qtvr and choose Equirectangular.


                • #9
                  yeah but i think he was wanting to use a physical cam
                  Chris Jackson


                  • #10
                    hmm possibly.

                    But you cant get 360deg panos from phys cam.

                    Its easy enough to match the exposure with the max cam, nikki provide details on how to do that sometime ago.


                    • #11
                      Thanks guy's, I'm using a regular camera and I did what you said and it works great.


                      • #12
                        for object VR's I used to use Artlantis to render but obviously the quality isnt as good as vray.

                        The way it worked though it to create a dome around the scene, with the camera set to the intersection of each grid line on the dome. It would end up with heaps of images and create a large animation file of similar size to an actual animation. From this method we concluded that there wasnt many advantages to VR objects and either use VR panoramas (as most people have been talking about in this thread) or animations instead of VR objects.

                        I dont know what external software you could use to stitch all of the still shots together to form the VR object though.

                        AS someone else said in another forum (apologies in advance):

                        "There is a plugin called Cebas MaxVR.qt which renders out directly in to Quicktime VR Format (it has support for both objects and panoramas).

                        Without plugins you need The VR Worx to import all the renders and make it in to a Quicktime VR. Before i aquired MaxVR i used 10 Cameras (i only needed to see the top half of my Model) and placed them at 10 degree gaps to get a 90 degree view of the model. I animated it over 36 frames to move 10 degrees each frame basicly giving me renders of each angle i wanted."

                        I found this info quite useful so hope it helps you even though it goes against all forum etiquette to copy paste from another forum mentioning other commercial software - sorry!

