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my pc is runnig a bit hot...

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  • my pc is runnig a bit hot...

    Hey guys. I have an issue my qx 6700 intel core two extreme is running pretty hot. And by hot I mean when idle it runs at 65 deg c, and when rendering 100 deg c!!
    I have replaced the fan, from the manufacturer to the fan below. But Im worried that such temps are going to kill it sooner or later. I have read intels website about temps for my type of cpu, they say it shouldnt get hotter then 65 deg c on full load. Well mine is at that on idle!
    any help will be appreciated.
    DaForce I know you are guru in these things...

    Dmitry Vinnik
    Silhouette Images Inc.

  • #2
    morbid, you might want to re-seat the CPU and make sure that there is some clean thermal compound between the CPU and heatsink
    Chris Jackson


    • #3
      Hey Dmitry
      You rang..

      Well as thats an after market heatsink.. im curious what you use between the heatsink and the CPU.. did you use a thermal pad.. some sort of thermal paste?

      Anyway, get your hands on some artic silver 5, and some of the arcticlean (so you can clean away the old stuff) and then follow the instructions EXACTLY for how to properly apply the artic silver 5 for quad core cpus.

      Its different for each cpu.. be it a quad, a dual or a single. For instance my dual core E6420 needs a thin strip of AS5 applied, no more no less. My temps when overclocked to 3.2ghz are low 30's idle. High 30's low 40's under load.
      That seems like a decent heatsink but there are certainly better.. such as the monster that I have.. the thermalright ultra 120 extreme.

      However for your temps to be THAT far out of whack, im thinking maybe nothing has been put between the cpu and the heatsink.

      You have probabaly seen this before but this is my heatsink.


      • #4
        stop copying what i said daforce!
        Chris Jackson


        • #5

          its called elaborating


          • #6
            thanks guys!
            well I have invited an IT guy from work. He did some stuff to bios. I didnt put this box together, so I didnt know what was done to it. But aparently when they assembled it, they improperly configured the voltage for the cpu. After that the temp droped by 20 deg. So 55 in idle and 75-80 under load. Still a lot. So im going to look in the reapplying the thermal grease.
            Thanks again!
            Dmitry Vinnik
            Silhouette Images Inc.


            • #7
              Excellent, 20c drop is pretty good.

              Still seems abit warm tho, especially with an aftermarket cool. As intels temps would have been for the stock cooler.
              Considering changing heatsinks as well if it doesnt drop. The thermalright are king of coolers.


              • #8
                Originally posted by DaForce
                Hey Dmitry
                ...and some of the arcticlean (so you can clean away the old stuff)
                Alternatively, you can buy a bottle of isopropyl alcohol. $7 for a bottle at Dick Smith Electronics here in Australia.

                My QX6700 runs at 59c under load with a Thermaltake Typhoon (Biggest mother of a heatsink you can buy!)

                -- DJ

                Edit: The temp dropped 20c after reducing the voltage? That's quite a worry, I'd want to find some excuse to RMA the CPU...


                • #9
                  Not as big as my heatsink
                  Or the even newer thermalright IFX-14 (which are both top of the list in coolers BTW)

                  59c still seems a little hot, i would expect those temps from a stock heatsink... then again....


                  • #10
                    my stock quad core xeon heatsinks work suprisingly well. From memory temp are about 39degrees under load
                    Chris Jackson


                    • #11
                      Yeah thats more like what I would expect.

                      Given they are both using after market heatsinks... which should be better.. their temps are a little high, especially so if they are not overclocking.

                      Although 59c under load isnt tooooooo bad, I would have thought more like high 40s given the aftermarket heatsink.

                      CJ what do you use to check your temps?
                      Try speed fan, its good it tells you the overall cpu temperature and the invidiviaul core temps. Which is really handy to know.


                      • #12
                        i use speed fan
                        Chris Jackson


                        • #13
                          ahh touché

                          My machine idles at around 32c @ 3.2ghz

                          Had it down to about 23c @ stock on a cold morning.


                          • #14
                            The QX6700 cpu does run quite hot indeed.
                            You can't compare it with a dualcore at all !
                            There is a huge jump in temperature going from iddle to full load : from about 32°C to 54°C, for example...

                            I have the cpu installed in a small shuttle SD37P2, which uses an ICE heatpipe cooling system.
                            Initially i trusted the BIOS to regulate the fanspeed but found out quite fast that it wasn't fast enough in adjusting, resulting in a systemcrash at 64C°.
                            I then turned to Speedfan 4.35, which installs and works under XP64 and does a much better job in regulating the different fans.
                            Depending on the room temparature i get between 50 and 59C°, under full load.
                            The beauty of speedfan is that you can adjust the fanspeed corresponding with a given temp, giving you much more control over the noise of the fans.
                            I have the fanspeed varying from 45% to 75%, considerably reducing noise. If i'm not rendering, I almost can't hear the fans running. But once it goes above 58C°, it switches to emergency mode, boosting it to a full 100%. Even with high room temps, i've never seen it go over 59C° thanks to that emergency mode.
                            - Geert -

                            3Dprinting in full color !


                            • #15
                              Yeah I realise they is a big difference in heat production between dual and quad.

                              The thing is your setup is in a small shuttle case, and using a heatpipe solution which will be no where near as effective as a big proper heatsink such as my thermalright or Dj Studd's typhoon, and his temps are 59c under load.
                              If yours are 59c under load in a smaller confined space with a less effecient cooling solution then his are way to high.. see what im getting at.

                              And morbids temps.. well they are just off the scale..

                              Heck as long as it all still runs fine, then its all good

