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Chamfering with 3dsmax9 PB3 (productivity booster rev3)

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  • #16
    It didn't work for me
    I just can't seem to trust myself
    So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
    CG Artist


    • #17
      btw da force is right if u maximize ure viewport in user mode if think it can chamfer all your edge with poly
      it works for me too....


      • #18
        I can chamfer all edges, but that group, that is selected on picture I upped here...

        Anyways - now it works Max9 without any sp or pb Kewl!
        Btw - Vray is absent too.

        P.S. Will install SP2... Will see what's gonna happen.

        P.P.S. SP2 - works. Trying PB3.
        I just can't seem to trust myself
        So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
        CG Artist


        • #19
          u could have try with that file under pb3...........


          • #20
            My PB3 package is broken. Somehow....
            I just can't seem to trust myself
            So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
            CG Artist


            • #21
              You arn't the only one with PBrev3 issues <----- But I have gotten the chamferign tool to work properly for both Editabel Poly and Mesh so it's hard to say what's really happening.

              I looked into Polyboost and downloaded the demo. OMG, the demo videos make it looks so nice and easy don't they. The UI and help manuals are terrible, very difficult to figure out without the scripter himself telling you how to do everything.


              • #22
                do u have to install them on top of each other? or is it cool just to install PB3 with no previous revision installed ?
                teabag studios



                • #23
                  I tried going rev 3 first but somehow or another it wound up saying it wanted the first install before rev 3. Also, once you install PB3, you won't have the option of installing service pack 2 if you havn't allready. I'm not sure if that means SP2 is included with PB or not, but just giving you a heads up.


                  • #24
                    SP2 is almost the same as PBrev3
                    About polyboost - nice idea
                    Will try it....

                    But I can't install PBrev3. Redownloaded the package and still it can't install on me So, will stick on SP2. Got no time to test this shite anymore.
                    I just can't seem to trust myself
                    So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
                    CG Artist


                    • #25
                      I havn't seen anything in the PB that jumps out at me and says "Wow I really need that" anyhow. Unless you're havign trouble with your current install, save yourself the headache IMO.


                      • #26
                        You cant installed PB with SP2 installed, same as you cant install SP2 with PB installed. I believe they contain the same fixes.


                        • #27
                          paul i had pbm installing pb3 mostly via local i copied it on my desktop and it worked fine .......maybe can you try it ..............
                          btw it seems pb3 is the same as sp2 but with improvements and said by my reseller more "stable"............


                          • #28
                            Well, it tells me it can't open patch package and all that stuff. So, I installed my SP2 and forgot about PB.

                            I just can't seem to trust myself
                            So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
                            CG Artist


                            • #29

                              I did all chamfers With no single crash!!!! Love SP2. Hope it won't crash my day again...

                              I just can't seem to trust myself
                              So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
                              CG Artist


                              • #30
                                i did it too with my pb3......

