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Matrix Exposimeter got one minor version and one new functionality:
V. 1.19 has a spanky new "Sample Rate" calculator for DMC AA.
From the instructions.txt included in the script pack:
The Sample Rate calculator, new with 1.19, is an early attempt at DMC AA optimisation.
It will render a sample pass with whatever DMC AA (ONLY!) settings you have, analise the sample rate, and guestimate a new threshold value (AA noise threshold only) so that the BIAS setting may be met (+- 2.5%).
The BIAS indicates the pixel brightness average in the sample pass (where ~0 is min sampling, and ~1 is max sampling).
A word of (maybe obvious) notice: there is no guarantee whatsoever that a bias of .5 will lead to correct results, exactly as noise-free or quick as you expect them.
A scene with loads of geometric detail, plenty of high-contrast glossies, and detail well distributed across the screen will lend itself to higher sampling, so the bias should be set accordingly higher to achieve the ideal balance.
Raising A LITTLE (up to, say, 150 px across) the sample image size will increase precision and fidelity once the settings are used on the full image.
There may be bugs, or better ways to go about it. For both, please post here
EDIT: Another word of caution: it is often needed to repeat the "exposure" many times, due to the adaptive nature of the DMC sampler. It has shown to converge EXACTLY (+-2.5%) to the BIAS value here in every circumstance, given two to five iterations.
You'll know it has converged when the Sampler Multiplier is 1.0.
New version of the script pack with minor issues fixed and small functionalities added.
Re-download from scriptspot.com.
Quote from the page:
The installer from V. 1.4ss - SP2 onward now has an option to automatically add the scripts to a ctrl+shift+alt quadmenu.
Notice it should append the scripts to whatever is already in the quadmenu (nothing, by default).
Please report any odd behavior, or undesired effect: it's a first attempt at the code, and may contain issues.
Anything to Physcam v.1.4: converts max standard cameras and viewports to VRay Physical Cameras, along with FoV animation.V.1.4 corrects a bug with camera views conversion, copies across clipping planes' ranges , and allows for individual camera naming at creation, rather than later by hand.
Matrix-Weighted Exposimeter V. 1.20 : very similar in principle to that of dSLR, it allows for different weighting of each slice/square in which the image is divided, as well as allowing a different range of pixel brightnesses to be chosen for the exposure (akin to real world lens filters).
Entirely customisable for behaviour.Now with auto-white balance and preset manager! From V. 1.16 it supports exposure / White Balance animation through the script. Please note this is not meant to be a frame by frame tool: doing so will result in flickering (like for standard dSLRs) and will likey lead to max crashes due to maxscript memory heap overload.
Keep previews small, Nth frame at around 1 second, and go in and refine by hand activating "Auto Key" from the max interface and exposing the problematic areas. The Sample Rate calculator, new with 1.19, is an early attempt at DMC AA optimisation.
It will render a sample pass with whatever DMC AA (ONLY!) settings you have, analise the sample rate, and guestimate a new threshold value (AA noise threshold only) so that the BIAS setting may be met (+- 2.5%).
The BIAS indicates the pixel brightness average in the sample pass (where ~0 is min sampling, and ~1 is max sampling). Minor code changes and optimisations for v. 1.20.
Tricky: well, you can control the ISOs, and have complete freedom on both DoF and Moblur.
Given the very scarce general interest (check the poll i created a while back for the exposimeter), the very low amount of donations, and my business engagements, i'd say no, it's very unlikely the scripts will be updated anytime soon.
As of now, they are discontinued.
Support and development may resume sometime in the future, but i make no promise nor commitment at present.
No, I meant you, it has progressed a lot since the versions you let me modify the old code, It will be a shame for people to lose their usefulness. I would be willing to make the updates for SP3 to your current versions if you'd like?
It's beside the point.
The scripts were NEVER freeware, in their released form (srcriptspot), they were DONATIONware.
The license file attached stated in no uncertain terms that if they were used in a production environment a symbolic (read, tiny) donation was needed.
Now, i had FIVE donations in total.
Around the same number of poll replies.
And i get mails, PMs and posts requesting me to update them.
From people which use them in a commercial environment.
My answer to that is a flat no.
They are well dead, and i may add that if they'll ever come back, they will have a price, and a node-locked protection system.
Thanks for the offer, but it's a point of conscience and ethics i am making here.
Now it's six. Regardless of whether you continue to update them or not, they have been helpful in the past. I really had no idea how much to donate, buy yourself a few beers with it.
www.dpict3d.com - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.
Cool, notoriety, gratitude and popularity only go so far I guess.
This is a VERY low blow, Eric.
Like i did it for any of those, or money.
Have i got a right to be slightly fucked off when someone requests stuff from their high perched, golden tower, and does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to contribute?
Is a 1$ donation, as a show of appreciation, too much to ask?
Is a reply to a post asking for directions, changes and suggestions too much to ask?
Finally, is a post like your latter worth ANY money, effort, notoriety that may come from long, obscure hours in a basement when totally out of paid work?
I honestly think not.
Then again, you must fall in the category of those that love to take and then forget to give, so i wouldn't expect any different an outcome.
Now it's six. Regardless of whether you continue to update them or not, they have been helpful in the past. I really had no idea how much to donate, buy yourself a few beers with it.
Whatever you donated is mighty fine, as long as it's a SMALL, symbolic donation.
They were never meant to make money, but i DID hope, forlon as it was, that they'd be helpful, and that a feedback would come back.
It's usually the case that people realise the worthyness of something the very moment they lose it.