Me here again with more maya - getting to know you questions:
If you choose to display Action or Title safe in single camera viewport, but then you scale that viewport or add a second viewport is there anyway to force the viewport to scale instead of clipping into the safe frames. This is a hard one to explain, basically make maya viewports - in regaurds to action safe act the same as max viewports.
Sorry for talking in riddles but if you use max and maya you probably understand what I mean.
Thanks as always for your help.
If you choose to display Action or Title safe in single camera viewport, but then you scale that viewport or add a second viewport is there anyway to force the viewport to scale instead of clipping into the safe frames. This is a hard one to explain, basically make maya viewports - in regaurds to action safe act the same as max viewports.
Sorry for talking in riddles but if you use max and maya you probably understand what I mean.
Thanks as always for your help.