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New renderer

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  • New renderer

    Looks interesting... mot too sure about the gallery images though:

  • #2

    In gallery/ images, aerospace, what I see there should Not be there. I will dig a little to find who uses this geometry....
    Alain Blanchette


    • #3
      "HyperShot is the most flexible, fast, accurate, highest quality tool on the market today – quite simply, peerless"

      Are these guys f*ckin joking?

      Import your 3d model, apply materials with one click and hit render!

      "HyperShot renders quickly without digital specialists"

      Looks like im out of a job then.


      • #4
        Well i tried it.
        It's all good for a demo.

        When one tries to achieve the kind of accuracy we are used to with VRay, it falls apart (literally: oversample and it crashes.).

        Long live hardware-independent raytracers, thanks a lot.

        Edit: from the demo i had, it seems they moved it from GPUs to CPUs.
        The issues remain, though.
        Check in the aerospace gallery image 4 and 7.
        Where sharp corners meet (fuselage and top compartments in number 4, vertical panles and ground in 7) you will notice streaks.
        I could not let them go away, no matter how hard i tried.
        It seems to be due to shadows and GI sampling.
        Raising the quality kills the app, memory-wise, and leads to crashes. EVERY time.
        Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

        The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


        • #5
          So, Lele, you put the images of the aerospace in, can I ask you where you got theses models from...
          Alain Blanchette


          • #6
            nono, they had a demo a while back (three months or so?).
            I simply tried it on the models of a chair and few other small demo things they had.
            Still, the contact GI shadows were bad, and streaked, exhibiting the issues you can see in the aerospace images (which i checked because of your post ).
            I have no idea where they got the models from, tbh.

            EDIT: here's the demo link:
            Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

            The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


            • #7
              so to explain:

              the default image as i load it and let it render (quickly by all means!). no matter how much i let it refine, it won't clean up those issues through the interactive renderer.

              so i turn to the final renderer, after having upped the shadow quality for the interactive one.
              with these settings, this i s what i get on xp 64 with 2 gb of ram:

              And this:

              and finally this. Notice how upping the shadow quality in the interactive renderer only leads to smaller "dots", not to a better interpolation (as seen in the zoomed bit).

              As i said previously, it sure is quick.
              As i said WRONGLY before, it's CPU, NOT GPU based.
              Do not pretend VRay's flexibility or precision from it yet, though.
              Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

              The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


              • #8
                Sorry I misunderstood you, Lele
                Alain Blanchette


                • #9
                  well, looks like this is in the same vein as alias's image studio, and not really a direct competitor to v-ray or such.

                  just simplifies the visualization process for less complex scenes

