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  • egzVrayMaterial

    Hi guys,

    Just got our renderfarm at work running nice and smooth and come up against a bit a of stumbling block.

    I have been using the egzVrayMaterial carpaint on a couple of jobs and it works brilliantly.

    Problem is that I need to install the files onto the rendernodes in order for my backburner/DR renders come out correctly and they are running as licenseless rendernodes.

    The egzVrayMaterials are installed by dragging the installation file into the viewport and so I cannot do this on the rendernodes.

    Does anyone know how to install the files I need onto the nodes without dragging the installation file into the viewport window.



  • #2
    i think you can copy the files from the workstation(where it's installed), over to the rendernodes.. the files are located in scripts/startup folder..


    • #3
      already tried that

      Thanks though.


      • #4
        you havn't vnc?

        you can start max even without licence for 30 days.
        also there's a way to install the plugins on one server and point the other to the direction, dunno how and if it works egz though.


        • #5
          I thought about starting up the machines as max demos and then dragging the egz file into them but when I start 3ds max it just complains about there not being a license file and it doesn't give me a demo option


          • #6
            Try renaming the drag-n-drop file to .zip and opening it with WinZip/WinRAR/etc. That should give you a good indication of where to put which files.


            • #7
              Just use the vrayscene converter to convert the egz materials to normal vray materials. Then you have no more problem


              • #8
                I am unaware of this vrayscene convertor.

                I take it that all I have to do is right click in a viewport and select vrayscene convertor.

                ...I did this and vray went about its stuff and then I tried to render again using DR. On the workstation the nodes worked perfectly, but the nodes just rendered black where the egz material is in the scene.

                When I looked at the material editor, the egz materials were still the same and hadn't been converted over to vray materials.

                Any ideas? I am on on a tight deadline and this is causing me real problems.

                Thanks guys.


                • #9
                  hmmm poo, there certainly is a way of converting it. I thought that was it. Gimme a min will give the forum a quick search.. i know it can be done...

                  *one minute passes*

                  Ok this should do the trick.

                  Hope that helps you


                  • #10
                    I think I did this right...

                    meditmaterials[19] = copy meditmaterials[1].delegate
                    -- Unknown property: "Delegate" in PillarBlue:VRayMtl

                    Thats what happens.


                    • #11
                      Now I know I did it wrong....

                      Idiot of the year award

                      I was trying to put the converted material into another slot.
                      As soon as I changed the material to replace the material I wanted to change... IT WORKED!!! FANTASTICO!

                      Good work DaForce


                      • #12

                        was just testing and about to reply back saying it worked fine just here.

                        Glad to see you got it working

                        You are able to put it into another slot.. but maybe that slot has to be empty... shrugs.. (mmm nope that worked here with an assigned material as well) well if it worked it worked

