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SelectObjsByMaterial script

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  • SelectObjsByMaterial script

    I wrote a new script a while back and thought I'd share it. It has already been excellent for me in my workflow.

    Script: SelectObjsByMaterial

    It extends and improves the functionality of the button in the material editor labeled "Select by Material". I was always frustrated by this button because to effectively get every object which a material is applied to I always had to unfreeze/unhide everything, and on heavy scenes, this proved to be difficult. Also, using this functionality is rough because it will only select the group head if an object that has the material applied is part of a group, resulting in me mistakenly assigning materials to whole groups.

    This script allows you to select the material, click the button and have all the objects that material is assigned to selected (even if they are hidden or frozen), if the objects happen to be a part of a group, it will open every level of the group till it gets to the object with the assigned material.

    To Use:
    Run the script, goto Customize->Customize User Interface, Toolbars, Group: "Main UI", Category: "All Commands", drag the item "SelectObjsByMaterial" to a toolbar, or alternatively assign it to a QUAD menu.

    Now, open the material editor and pick an object assigned to something in your scene (doesn't matter if the object is hidden/frozen/grouped etc.) and click the hotkey, the result will be you will have every object in the scene with that material selected (even if you can't see them, they are still selected).

    Alternatively if you assign this script to a quad, you will also have an alternate box, if you use the alt box from the quad, it will automatically unhide/unfreeze all the objects making sure you can see and select them.

    macroScript SelectObjsByMaterial (
    	-- <array>SelectObjectByMaterial - returns array of objects a material is assigned to
    	fn SelectObjectByMaterial reqMatEditOpen materialIndex = (
    		objarr = #()
    		-- Select ALL objects with this material
    		if MatEditor.isOpen() or (reqMatEditOpen == false) then (
    			if materialIndex > 0 and materialIndex < 25 then (	-- start index check
    				objarr = for o in objects where o.material == meditMaterials[materialIndex] collect o
    				-- Check if the obj is part of a group
    				for obj in objarr where isGroupMember obj AND (NOT isOpenGroupMember obj) do
    				  	par = obj.parent
    				  	while par != undefined do
    				  		if isGroupHead par then 
    				  			setGroupOpen par true
    				  			par = undefined
    				  		else par = par.parent
    			) -- end index check
    		) else	-- Material Editor isn't open
    			messageBox "Material Editor is not open" beep:false
    	on execute do (
    		max create mode
    		if (objs = SelectObjectByMaterial true (medit.getActiveMtlSlot())) != undefined then
    			select objs	
    	on altexecute type do (
    		max create mode
    		if (objs = SelectObjectByMaterial true (medit.getActiveMtlSlot())) != undefined then
    			select objs	
    		for o in objs where not(o.layer.on) do o.layer.on = true
    		for o in objs where o.layer.isFrozen do o.layer.isFrozen = false
    		for o in objs where o.isHidden do o.isHidden = false
    		for o in objs where o.isFrozen do o.isFrozen = false
    		select objs

    Quick Note: If the material you select is instanced/copied in a multi-sub material, it will not select the objects because it is not the exact material you have selected, this is correct functionality.
    Colin Senner

  • #2
    This is pretty sweet...thanks Colin.


    • #3
      umm this has been in max since release 3. Its a button in the material editor. Or am i missing something?
      Chris Jackson


      • #4
        Anytime at all gfa2, always a pleasure, hope it saves you some time here and there

        Yes, this functionality is more intuitive, and does what that button always should have Please read above.
        Colin Senner


        • #5
          Curious if you had tried it out gfa2? I'm amazed how this functionality has improved my life. I'm going to expand on this script to add even more in the days ahead.
          Colin Senner


          • #6
            Looks handy, when I'll have to organize some complex scene I'll give a try.

            Almost every time I use the max inbuilt select by material I have to manually deselect a group header ...

