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ColorEdge and bump...

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  • ColorEdge and bump...

    It would be nice is coloredge plugin wich works well with warptexture plugin could be used for seams not...

    It would be great to bump tiles using edge to position the gaps.
    Of course I could bevel the geometry but it would be nice to have some noise.

    Does someone knows a good alternative?


  • #2
    Positioning gaps with edge cuts seems a god idea at first, but it can be pretty tricky when it comes to edges you must have in your geometry, but doesn't represent a gap in structure, and if you have to keep them visible.

    Anyway, the admin guy over at the Itoo Software Forum said they're working on it, so sooner or later, this will be resolved. (I see no reason why a color output shouldn't work as a bump) And you can always use the VRayEdgesTex shader to bump some gaps.

    best regards,

    credit for avatar goes here


    • #3
      Hi A.

      Yes...I guess waiting is the only option. I thought that this kind of fix could be done in an afternoon but I guess not

      About the structural edges that dont correspont to the tilling...remember that you can allways hide the structural edges and edgecolor won't paint them and...of course, make this in a visibility in a edit modifier so you can hide them while working.

      The vrayedgetex in bump mode only works on corners, not in visible edges...i think...and it doesn't work with warptexture

      Would be nice to have some kind of plugin map that could read this gap information a spline object...then the underlying geometry could be changed whitout the need to redo all edge visibility stuff..


