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convert 3d to 2d

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  • convert 3d to 2d

    OMG its all backwards.

    I need to convert a 3d procedural map in max to a 2d one. Specifically noise map.

    It looks like I expect in the viewport, but when I render it, its back to a 3d map.

    So anyone know how to do this?

  • #2
    There is a noise2d map from Peter Watje, also you can try rendering the procedural texture from the material editor and using it as bitmap.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3

      thanks heaps Vlado. just downloaded it now.
      Apart from converting it into a bitmap, is there any way of fixing this problem with other 3d maps. I seem to run into this problem a lot: especially with DarkSim Maps.


      • #4
        Don't know for DarkSim maps, but most 3ds Max procedurals (Noise, Cellular, Stucco etc) allow you to use an "Explicit map channel" type for the source uvw coordinates, which should work.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5

          I was trying to generate clouds, in the manner described in the clouds forum
          rather than use 2 infinite vray planes at very high distances and the sun a very long way away in the scene (as in the example scene you uploaded) - I was concerned at the system resources required to render such a scene

          So instead I use a scale of 1unit = 1 cm
          make a 100m diameter hemipspheric geosphere with the bottom cut off and 15 subdivision settings. Then I uv map it to "shrink wrap" so that the shrink wrap gizmo is on the ground plane and the with and lengh are 100m each, I shrink the z dimension of the Mapping to 3 m or so. Then I flip the normals.

          This gives the effect of having clouds become more dense in the distance (fake exagerated perspective). then apply the noise map in the same fashion as in the cloud layers for the vray planes. When I applied the 3d noise map, it was uniform over the sphere. The 2d noise map mapped perfectly but the settings are different so I have to work with that to get the clouds looking right. When I tried explicit map channel just got a whole lot of concentric circles that run latitudinally along the sphere. I don't know why that is.
          I will upload a sample scene as long as people promise not to laugh at my pathetic attempts at the clouds.
          I was trying all of this because I was concerned over the resources for an infinite map on a infinite plane. but if the geosphere option is gonna take more resources then I wont bother.



          • #6
            did you try what vlado suggested to use an "Explicit map channel"??

            MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
            stupid questions the forum can answer.


            • #7
              explicit map channel

              Yup tried that: this is the result

              this is with the 2d noise map

              and this is the link to the max file:

              These are just diffuse maps applied to the hemisphere without any opacity stuff at all. Its just to get the noise map looking right (which I am having trouble acheiving)
              the hemisphere is still stacked so you can play with the z dimension of UVMap modifier.

              I dont really think its all working and was wondering if anyone could help me

              You need to have the noise2d map from peter watjde
              Here is the link. And its all in Max 8 format with Vray 1.5Rc3



              • #8
                I usually just right click the material slot and render it at the specified size. You lose the procedural aspect of it but...its an imperfect world.
                -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


                • #9
                  its all in the detail

                  thanks dellis for your help. I tried the bitmap option...
                  but I am trying to reduce the the system resources to render a scene.

                  The thing that kills memory fastest is a large bitmap. So I thought it counter-intuitive to use such a thing on the sky.

                  I still don't really know if my assumptions are true and I think only Vlado can answer this one as he is the one that knows the internal structure of Vray:
                  My assumption is this:
                  That a number of "shelled" hemispheres that contain a procedural noise map for transparency mapped in the way I have described below that are relatively close to the subject and the sun is position relatively close (to reduce the over all 3d space needed) would require LESS rendering time and resources than the same number of infinite Vray planes at large distances away with the sun a greater distance away.

                  Looking at the clouds thread again, the purpose of those renders is to render the clouds. I thought that if you render some high poly object with large textures that is the the true focus of the render and not the sky, that the sky was a bit resource heavy and may kill the render.

                  The other problem I found as I was creating this atmospheric dome, is that the geometry was evident in the render and I had to apply increasing subdivisions to the geosphere to get the desired effect. A hemispherical primitive would be useful at this point. one without a base... such as: VrayCloudlayer...
                  just kidding.

                  Last edited by rajdarge; 14-12-2007, 01:53 PM.

