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Cannot run 3DSMax2008 installer on XP 64

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  • Cannot run 3DSMax2008 installer on XP 64

    This is driving me nuts.

    When I ran the installer from the disc, it would take 10+ minutes before the first window of the installation options would appear. Until then, there was only the “setup is initializing” message. During this time, the machine ground to a halt, making all other processes stutter. Then, copying the files from the install disc (as the last part of creating a network deployment) was abysmally slow, taking over 45 minutes.

    Now if I launch the network install deployment, the installer hangs on “Setup Initialization” and I can’t even end-task it. The only way to stop it is to reboot the computer. The same thing happens if I try to directly launch the setup.exe in the network image instead of using the .lnk and .ini files that are created as part of the network deployment.

    This is on XP 64bit on dual core2duo 2.6GHz w/ 5GB of RAM. So there really should be no reason for this kind of behavior.

    Anyone have any help or seen this problem? I know I'm a bit late to the Max 2008 party.

  • #2
    Update your Windows, I think it is something related with NET Framework
    show me the money!!


    • #3
      I downloaded the demo installer. It was much much faster for preparing the deployment. But the deployment still hangs on "Setup Initialization" when attempting to run it.

      My Windows is completely up to date, and has .NET 1, 2, and 3 are all installed.

