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  • Vue?

    Hi, we recently bought Vue infinite and i was wondering if anyone has used it who may have some comments on positives/negatives but also if there is any way of getting it to work with vray.

    I think the guys were thinking of compositing in 2 passes using vray for the buildings and vue for the scenery and backgrounds. Id be interested in how well this has worked for others.

    personally i don't like the look of some images done within vue so was hoping that someone with some experience combining with vray could give their opinion on this. Thanks!. Personally id rather do everything in vray using proxies

  • #2
    I have tinkered with it and have since rejected it as a viable inclusion into our workflow mainly for 2 reasons;

    1. Learning curve would be very steep and
    2. Its not very compatible with Max. There are issues with importing vue files into max - alot of crashing and scale problems.

    Its a very enticing piece of software but your right - VRay is the main application to keep happy.

    I am also trying to find solutions for vegetation, environments and atmospherics but haven't managed to pin it down as of yet.

    Oh, a third thing - Vue takes a hell of a long time to render.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by Infrared digital; 09-03-2008, 06:30 AM.


    • #3
      thanks that does help. I was considering trying it but from what you have said, i don't think i'll be able to work it into my workflow without risks so will just stick to vray. Hopefully everyone else at work can figure it out and get the job done.

      Would anyone else buy new software and implement it into a project straight away?


      • #4
        I have tried vue and I have never really seen its production value. Its fun and you can do neato landscapes but its does not seem to have any way to put it into a workflow. I used vue 4 to render tree masks and that was ok. This seems to come up every few months here, vue is so heavily marketed it seems to cross everyones mind but I just don't see its usefulness aside from just playing with it.


        • #5
          I would prefer to try a program and figure out how it works and make sure that it can be integrated into our workflow definitely before it would be used in production.

          Having said that we have used plugins for after effects for the first time on a project recently and it was fine.

          Actually, anything to do with 3D or Max needs to be well considered but, after effects seems to be alot easier to work with.

