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File server hardware setup

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  • #16
    u can bet!

    either spare the cash for a pimped server edition or get urself into some linux os...
    Last edited by ene.xis; 25-03-2008, 11:10 AM.
    Nuno de Castro
    00351 917593145


    • #17
      Well - I love Microsoft's excuse that the 10 connection limit is a security issue to prevent worms from spreading.

      I wouldn't mind if they were honest and outright said that it was a way for them to make more money.

      Seeing that I'm not concerned about 'worms' spreading, I came across this page which seems to work just fine:
      LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
      HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
      Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


      • #18
        We have had a lot of good experiences with the Promise and 3ware raid cards. We run mostly RAID 50 (5+0) now but RAID 5 or 6 (Some new cards allow this) is highly recommended.

        We have not used NAS devices before but I am sure the work well. You can also get CentOS, which is Red Hat Enterprise, but Open Source. Linux can be a it more complicated but it can definitely serve your drives.

        Also make sure you get a good Gigabit Switch and a decent firewall/router to connect all of these together. The Dell switches are quite nice and affordable. I would avoid gigabit switches that seem to cheap, it's like RAM if its to good to be true...

        Advantages to setting up a windows sever, as have been mentioned, are:
        - setting it up as a license server if needed
        - Using it for BB Server
        - Flexible Backup Options (We off load to Hard Drives and archive to tape)
        - Remote access through VPN (If using windows sever)

        These are just what I can think of, and believe me I am no windows advocate. But we run Max so we must use the doze.

        If you have any other questions I'll try to help

