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HELP! breaking instanced objects into copies

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  • HELP! breaking instanced objects into copies

    I dont normally use rpc's, but i'm doing white out people on a massive animation and it was the best choice for the job.

    Problem is, ive just my entire morning instancing 1,150 rpc's from a group of 10 that I started with. And now ive just been told you cant instance rpc's because they render weird.

    Ive been looking for a script to break them but i cant find any, I know it should be possible because you can do it by hand clicking one by one, but thats as much work as replacing them.

    I promise a beer for the first one to save me from needing to work late!

  • #2
    I think there is a button in the Modifier stack that allows you to make instanced objects unique.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      can you select them all and then make them unique? when asked if you want to make them unique to each other just click yes.


      • #4
        There is, but it only works on one at a time - if I select more than one it greys out.

        It'd work if I'd just used the same rpc for everything, but i used a few to get different silhouettes and I cant tell which are which now.
        yes I know, a number of silly decisions, but I was told rpcs would be perfect for the job for me and nobody informed me about this
        Last edited by Neilg; 26-03-2008, 08:25 AM.


        • #5
          BlurScript pack has a tool called MakeUnique that I think does what you need.



          • #6
            we've all done it, oh the joys of RPCs.
            Colin Senner


            • #7
              Thanks codi, it'll come in handy knowing that one but it's not working - got 'an error has occured, you may want to undo' and a few of them have been duplicated over one another (and theyre all still instances)

              Happens even when I use it on 10 at a time, so it's not an issue with how many it's processing.
              Last edited by Neilg; 26-03-2008, 08:46 AM.


              • #8
                as codi says, blur's tool should do what you need. or you can try a couple of lines of script: select one of your RPCs then type

                InstanceMgr.getinstances $ & instances

                it should return the number of all instanced objects plus master, then type:

                select instances

                it should select all instances. you can repeat this for all 10 original objects. I guess.


                • #9
                  You where true when you said that you are good at breaking things

                  JK, the script must have problems with our beloved RPCs ...

                  Rivoli method should be fine, you can use SelectInstances from BlurScripts for doing the same, just don't click the icon too hard


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Codi View Post
                    You where true when you said that you are good at breaking things
                    tell me about it...

                    Using a combination of those scripts and deleting half of them/ a bit of replacing worked in the end. There arent as many people as before, but they were swarming the place earlier anyway. Thanks for the help, if you ever end up in chester/liverpool - I owe you both a beer!

                    4 weeks this job has been going on for, weve been too busy in the office with other stuff so ive pretty much had to do the entire thing by myself. And it'll be signed off in 4 hours! haha
                    Last edited by Neilg; 27-03-2008, 02:36 AM.

