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Where to find good 3D Info for games industry?

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  • Where to find good 3D Info for games industry?

    Hello all you clever people!

    I have searched the internet and found many many many tutorials, however for somebody that is not in that industry, it is very difficult to filter the out-dated and often wrong way of doing things, from the more relevant and up to date information.

    So what I am asking very nicely for today from those working in the 3D games industry using MAX, where to find up to date, and very usefull information on modelling, texturing, and in general getting invloved in this ever expanding and multi billion dollar a year industry. If you can possibly point me in the direction of some information and tutorials, I would be grateful. (Business information and workflow also welcome)

    At the odd chance of sounding "cheap" and "lazy" I would like to add that I am a very small studio, so time is kinda limited and budget even more so, if not non-existant, so please don't blast me for asking for some free direction. I am dedicated and always wan't to learn new things. I do the best I can with the resources available to me.

    Thank you very much in advance for all your help.

    Kind Regards,

    I'm currently in Archviz industry and using MAX and this great renderer VRay. I never had the need to worry about polygon limits etc as they do apparently in the games industry.
    Last edited by Morne; 31-03-2008, 01:35 PM.
    Kind Regards,

  • #2
    From my experience, most good tutorials are centric to each game engine. I do not have any professional experience in the games industry, but I have created maps for a few FPS engines, mostly Halo PC. It required a very specific workflow to get something in and out of it. Granted once you understand one engine's workflow it will very likely be easier to get to the same level for the next one. Recently, the dev tools seem to be getting a little tighter regarding integration into MAX, which is especially evident in cry engine 2.

    My advice, pick an engine with good community/dev support and run with it.
    Ben Steinert


    • #3
      Ben mathis has some fantastic tutorials (and an awful website name)


      • #4
        what do you guys think about the stuff found on
        relating to game graphics I mean?
        Kind Regards,

