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object replacer but matches size

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  • object replacer but matches size

    Does anyone know of a plugin that can do this?

    I have aload of tree place holders which are at the correct size of each tree. now what i want to do is replace them with my actual tree which i want the tree to scale up and down to match the size of the placeholder.

    anyone know of anything?

  • #2
    It depends on how you made you place holders. If they are copies or clones of the same object then Max's Clone and Align tool will do what you want. Just check the scale boxes as well as the position ones.

    Dan Brew


    • #3
      for i in selection do (obj = instance $'YourObjectName'; obj.transform = i.transform)

      And then press del to delete the place holders.


      • #4
        say the place holders are cylinders extruded to the correct height. when i then use clone and align the object changes but it doesnt match the correct scale.


        • #5
          Yep you gotta use the min and max values of the dummy object, get the min and max of your new object and work out a scale factor that way - then do the transform to put them into place and apply your scale. That said it might be more accurate to place them first and scale afterwards.


          • #6
            that still doesnt work to well... any other thoughts?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rhys View Post
              that still doesnt work to well... any other thoughts?
              Would it need to scale uniformly or non-uniformly?

              For instance, if I have a 1' cube and a cylinder thats 1' radius and 10' height. If I match the size of the cube to the cylinder it'd be 2'x2'x10' but thats stretched. Or it could maintain the smallest size and become 2'x2'x2' or it could maintain the largest size and become 10'x10'x10' ... What would fit your usage scenario?
              Christopher Grant
              Director of Visualization, HMC Architects

