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Quick poll on script pack development

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  • Quick poll on script pack development

    Since this community is where my stuff gets released first, where all of my very few donations ever came from, where all my bugs get caught, i thought it proper to ask you guys (and girls) what you'd like to have implemented next.
    I wanted to have the poll completely open-ended, but i thought it better if i gave a few options instead.

    1)Camera Tools.Choose a statement:
    a)I would like to see the tools like the matrix exposimeter, auto-focus and converter become one, and would also like to see their functionalities get better, more accurate, more predictable.
    b)They're fine as they are, and besides they're silly toys. I never ever touch them in production. Move on.
    c)Could you not just dump the lot and do better stuff with my time and bandwidth?

    2) proxy-related tools.Choose a statement:
    a)I know you have some script that does renaming and such, spline-delimited "planting" on a surface and proxy-particle substitution. Could you polish them and include them in the scriptpack? I'd even be willing to leave you with 5bucks for the effort.
    b)You have proxy-tools? You mean the collector script, right? Ah, others? I'd be interested to check them out, but don't fret on them, i hardly ever use proxies.

    3) Matrix Exposimeter functionalities.
    choose all that apply:

    a)Finer selection of screen portions for matrixing (the big buttons with the percentage numbers)
    b)R,G,B weighted exposure (ie. r 75%, g 15%, b 10% would expose primarily based on red colors. setting the percentages like above allows flowers in a grassy field to be picked against the green and blue of grass and sky).
    c)Auto-weighting algorithm, which decides automatically what's worth exposing for in a shot, based on coverage on the image plane.
    d)Z-Weighted Exposure, to allow for exposure priority given to closer subjects against the background (by default, conceivably customisable), for example.
    e)Exposure transfer to the color mapping rollout (or suggestion, through an option). Tricky one, but theoretically doable -by me, that is- at least for linear colormapping. Maybe I could bribe some of my better colleagues with a beer or two into helping me with the more complex color mapping algorithms.
    f)Revive the "realtime" exposimeter effect.Transfer the controls to the effects panel. Or even better, button somewhere that reads exposure changes in the vrayVFB, and does the math to transfer them on the camera (don't think this one's doable right now, but maybe with a bit of help ).
    g)Describe a functionality you feel the need for in layman terms so even I can understand it...
    h)I ought to stop bothering you all with the crap, as You work linear and do as You please in POST!

    I hope it's exhaustive enough.
    I gave a few options as my time's scarce enough not to allow me to pursue the script pack as i used to.
    So i'd like to flesh out a few hero tools, and the matrix exposimeter would be a good idea, one that at least I love working on.But there's the issue of the physcam not being used by everyone, or that most people work fully linear, or change lights multipliers, so maybe it's not a good choice.
    Pretty much the same goes for proxies and related tools.
    They'd need lot of love, but i feel they do have some potential. You tell me.

    Thanks to all those who took the time.
    Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

    The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.

  • #2
    For me, 2 - a

    Just that really, I dont use phy cams/exposure. Some proxy/particle stuff would be amazing though.


    • #3
      1) a
      2) a
      3) f

      Thanks for the tools Lele


      • #4
        Hi Lele,

        1. a - Combining the converter and exposimeter would be good.
        2. c - I don't use proxies.
        3. Not sure to be honest. I do interiors mainly and find the images over exposed if I rely purely on the exposimeter. It's good to use it to get the settings in the right ballpark but I generally have to lower the ISO to get an image I'm happy with.

        One of the tools I find myself using a lot is the camera presets deck. It would be useful to have a text field so I could give presets a description.

        Thanks again,

        Dan Brew

