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blank printscreen, blank render, blank videoscreen

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  • blank printscreen, blank render, blank videoscreen

    hi good people,

    got a problem here. but before that, i am using
    q6600 overclocked 3.420 mhz, originally 2.4ghz
    4gb ram
    3gb switch
    windows xp 32
    24 inches dell ultrasharp 1920x1200 resolution

    now, everytime i render a big res, like 2000, sometimes it's not showing at the screen.
    so if i moved the vfb window to bottom and pull it again to centre, i can see my image.

    if i hit printscreen, since i've been using this 24 inches, it came out blank(plain black). didn't happen with my 17 inches monitor last time.

    video screen, also blank, if i open PS, shut it off, Max, Cad 2008(and shut it off after on),
    also blank.

    i donno what to call this event, but seems like my windows can't refresh it's resource..

    anybody experience the same thing ? anything to solve this thing ?

    thanks verymuch!

    Dominique Laksmana
    Dominique Laksmana

  • #2
    hmm try a lower res and see what happens. see if you have the latest drivers for your 8800gts
    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      appreciated it. but is there any other way to do it rather than lower the resolution ?
      i installed the latest driver.
      Dominique Laksmana


      • #4
        try switching off all the gadgets and things in xp that makes it look pretty.
        Kind Regards,


        • #5
          it's the 3gig switch. Turn it off and screen cap and all that video overlay stuff will work. Lame, I know.

          or switch to XP64 or Vista.

