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Benchmarks database call for participation

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  • Benchmarks database call for participation

    Hello all,
    I've been busy making a site dedicated to 3d benchmarking. You can find it here:
    Its open to all 3d software applications and render plugins. I am working with Autodesk, The CG Society and others to get the word out to as many users as possible. Before I do that I wanted to make the site available only to the V-Ray community to do some beta testing.
    The database functions are up and running I just need some users to test it out. Once you register you can setup your workstation profile and from there you can select the scene you want to benchmark and enter your render time.
    Currently I only have one scene online, 3ds max 9 64 bit SP2 with VRay 1.5 SP2. I'm currently in production right now and am unable to get newer versions of the scene up. If anyone can help me with that I would really appreciate it. This site will ultimate by run by the community and since I dont have access to all the 3d apps and software, I will rely heavily on the users to submit scene files. If you would submit a scene file of any other software and plugin combo please let me know.
    In time I think this will be a valuable resource.
    Thanks for looking and please do let me know if you find something wrong with the site.

  • #2
    So would itsimply be a matter of me opening up your scene and savig it as a Max2009 SP1 64bit version and then let you have that file?
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket



    • #3
      should be all there is to it. my email is
      much thanks


      • #4
        I created a nice benchmark scene for 3ds max1 and an adapted scene for max4+ ..both for the scanline renderer which renders on a q6600 ~2-3 minutes.

        want it?

        btw , a email doesn't sound much trustfull for a project in this scale | - home of hdri knowledge


        • #5
          Hi Dschaga,
          sure I'll take it. i need a scanline scene.
          i just haven't got around to setting up email accounts for this domain but i'll do that soon. i just like the yahoo because the spam filter is really good...usefull for the amount of email i get. anyone else? maya users?
          much thanks,


          • #6
            i added scanline renderer scenes for max 9, 2009 32 bit and 2009 64 bit. was interesting to see that the 32bit scene rendered faster. thanks to Dschaga for supplying the file

            also here is a direct link to the vray scene in max 9 format:
            would anyone be willing to open in 2008 and or 2009 fromat, save it and email it to me? that would be awesome!

            thanks for any help...
            Last edited by posterus; 19-09-2008, 07:15 AM.


            • #7
              did you got my last mail?

              You don't have to resave/convert my max4(max1) file to max9 or 2009.

              The file could be renderable with any max version from max4 on - I have many friends who are still working with max5, since this version seems to be the stablest max version for them.
     | - home of hdri knowledge


              • #8
                Hi Christian,
                I did get your email and your are right. My database is structured to associate a scene file with a max version. In terms of the database, Max 9 64 bit sp2 is a different version than Max 9 32 bit sp2 and thus there are 2 seperate scene files to benchmark. I was getting caught up creating seperate scene files and didnt realize I could just use the same scene file, your max 4 file, for all later versions of max.
                The problem was, I wanted to zoom in on the tree and use that version for the benchmarking. In doing so, I had to resave the file in max 9 format so that is the lowest version I have. You should be able to use the 2008 version now. I can use your original file for all versions before 9. I need to 1st accommodate the bulk of the max users. I think the vast majority of max users are on 8 and above. I'll add those files up as soon as I can though. Please bare with me...

                Vray scene files for max 9 and above are now online:

