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Slow at work??

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  • Slow at work??

    SO what is everyone doing when the economy is the way it is? We are really slow here and I have been doing tons of marketing and hitting the pavement so to speak? I took a look at that elance site, but most of the prices are WAY too low. They want like 4 views, animations and everything modeled for under 500 bucks? What keeps ya busy?

    Eric Camper
    Studio 3D

  • #2
    What do you charge for your work per day?
    Maybe you are more expensive then other studios?

    I noticed that there is more competition now from east europe and china.
    They work for a few Dollars per hour and often the renderings look very good.

    I get email marketing from these countries every week.
    Reflect, repent and reboot.
    Order shall return.


    • #3
      We are quite slow here; we let two people go last year, hoping that will be it.

      I'm actually longing to get out of arch-vis though, too volative in times like this, though by the time I get home I'm usually too exhausted to start my own portfolio pieces that aren't architecture related, even though I'm capable of doing them! Been working in the industry now for a bit over 4 years, think I've seen enough renderings and animations of buildings for a lifetime!


      • #4
        Do you guys only specialise in arch vis ?


        My Portfolio


        • #5
          The company I work for does only arch-vis. I suggested trying to diversify a few years ago, when things were good, but it fell on deaf ears. Also the guys I work with are from a construction background, they know about brick sizes and such, not necessarily artists, so that's probably where some of the reluctance came from. That and the fact that if they tried to do some organic modelling they'd probably not do a good job.


          • #6
            It would definately be worth applying your modelling/lighting/rendering skills to other areas. Product design, POS visualisation etc. These dont have to be organic as such, just a slightly different application of your skills. I advertise myself as a 3d freelance artist rather than just a arch vis guy. I have all types of work come in and it seems to be saving me at the moment. I would be worried if I only specialised in one area. Havent had any arch vis stuff in quite a while now.


            My Portfolio


            • #7
              I sometimes use as well. That has various 3d projects from time to time.


              My Portfolio


              • #8
                Originally posted by stevesideas View Post
                It would definately be worth applying your modelling/lighting/rendering skills to other areas. Product design, POS visualisation etc. These dont have to be organic as such, just a slightly different application of your skills. I advertise myself as a 3d freelance artist rather than just a arch vis guy. I have all types of work come in and it seems to be saving me at the moment. I would be worried if I only specialised in one area. Havent had any arch vis stuff in quite a while now.
                My my - it seems from your website that you do anything for money
                Kind Regards,
                Richard Birket



                • #9
                  Well, I do different types of 3d work. I think its wise to be able to apply my skills into different areas. Plus, just doing one type of visualisation gets pretty boring after a while (for me anyway).

                  I want my business to work....but there are limits...for instance, I wont do any sexual favours
                  Last edited by stevesideas; 07-01-2009, 06:54 AM.


                  My Portfolio


                  • #10
                    I do a lot of web development work and that seems to have taken over - my two main 3d clients have not asked for anything for a few months, a third one now does their 3d in house or contracts it out to Turkey

                    but like Steve I'll do anything - I guess that's the thing if you are self employed / have your own business - if you get asked to do something you say "yes!"

                    I now have a wide variety of 3d projects I've worked on - so I fully expect to get more..
                    (effects stuff can be useful to have samples for, as it displays a very different set of knowledge from hard edged arch vis - you never know what someone may ask for)

                    but my web dev side of things is getting busier and busier - shouldn't complain though..

                    edit : I expect I could fit in sexual favours if asked nicely
                    Last edited by glyph; 07-01-2009, 07:10 AM. Reason: do I need a reason for that


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by glyph View Post
                      edit : I expect I could fit in sexual favours if asked nicely
                      We have been for the last 5 years(!)

                      When we first started the company, we promoted ourselves as being able to do many things (including sexual favours!): web/brochure/video etc etc. After a couple of years, we put focus on our core skills (architectural visualisation) with a view to moving into new areas when necessary.

                      This has worked for us - so far. Our concern was that we were spreading ourselves too thinly by offering anything and everything, and becoming a "Jack of all trades, master of none". Now clearly, this isn't going to be the case for everybody.

                      I can sympothise with people becoming bored of archvis. We strive to push the limits and try out new things to try and relieve this. I'd also rather be doing archvis than sitting on a checkout at ASDA (which we can also offer if the money is right!). However, when I compare what I've done over the last 10 years with friends who I studied architecture with at Uni and who have gone on to work in architectural practices, I think I made the right decision.
                      Kind Regards,
                      Richard Birket



                      • #12

                        I think we should be patient... I don't think the economy challenges has hit everyone in the construction industry yet and when it does they be looking for new ways to sell their ideas and good renderings will be one of them. People are spending their money into marketing. Be patient and I think our industry will be busier then most.

                        Start hitting the home healthcare market
                        Bobby Parker
                        phone: 2188206812

                        My current hardware setup:
                        • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                        • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                        • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
                        • ​Windows 11 Pro


                        • #13
                          Hope you're right Bobby, things were going swimmingly here (London UK) up until the end of November but now we're seeing projects frozen and cancelled all over the place, particularly in commercial/retail developments where the market seems to have plummeted. There is still work out there but it's becoming harder and harder to come by..

                          Hopefully things will start to improve once the b(w)ankers start lending again, until then perhaps a bit of diversification can't hurt..


                          • #14
                            Well..We are not really that expensive, but the product is worth a good matter what other people charge....Your time is worth what yo make it. I was just wondering how everyone was handling this period. It has given us time to venture out and seek out other areas of interest. I wouldn;t even know the first place to look for doing product design... Of course this is an A/E firm and Engineeringand planning are swamped. I for one started contacting commercial realtors to show them some cheap and fast ideas on Photomontages and such. We haven't had to lay off anyone yet....But some of the other firms in the area have let go plenty of staff....
                            Eric Camper
                            Studio 3D


                            • #15
                              Rough times

                              It's good to maintain a positive attitude ... but being aware of reality. Over here things are slow almost to a halt. From what I have read 2009 might be worse than 2008. I would not expect things to pick up speed for the next five years, it's that bad ... It is going to be a long, slow recovery. I am in savings mode and looking around at what other options there are ... perhaps might end up in the sexual "favors" business as well ...

