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GeForce 3D Vision stereoscopic 3D

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  • GeForce 3D Vision stereoscopic 3D


    Just wondered has anyone seen or used Nvidia GeForce 3D Vision at all?

    Has any one tried creating any sort of stereoscopic 3D movies in max?

    All looks interesting stuff be good to hear what others think.

    Simon Askham - Rendering with Threadripper 2990WX Asus Prime X399 36GB DDR4

  • #2
    Just saw your post on a search i did...yes, I got a monitor and 3d vision glasses last week because we need to make some 3d content for a client...I'm really underwhelmed in a lot of ways about "3d"'s definitely initially interesting, but I find it a bit annoying over time. I guess I'm taking a 'we'll see' attitude...


    Originally posted by askhamdesign View Post

    Just wondered has anyone seen or used Nvidia GeForce 3D Vision at all?

    Has any one tried creating any sort of stereoscopic 3D movies in max?

    All looks interesting stuff be good to hear what others think.



    • #3
      I bought some lcd glasses some time ago with a similar technology and felt pretty much the same.. I think I played max payne did work but it wasnt that fantastic.


      My Portfolio


      • #4
        I remember I tried anaglyphic 3d in an old rally game 10 years ago. Back then it blew me away. Not only looked relatively good, but actually made the game easier to play by letting you judge distances better. I guess it depends on the type of game as well as how good the 3d support is. Lots of game uses faux 3d effects and composited geometry that messes things up, as well as HUD elements without (or with wrong) depth info that makes them display "inside" geometry or floating way too high over the screen. It generally works best for simulation games like driving games and Flight Simulator where the cockpit is 3d as well.
        I've been looking at GeForce 3d for a while but haven't gotten it yet. Mostly because there's no full HD displays supporting it yet. 1680x1050 is the highest I believe.
        Does anyone know if you can use it with the viewports in Max?


        • #5
          Actual 3d screens (autostereoscopic) are incredible and look amazing in person.

          Quite far off actually being used much though, only seen one in person briefly.

          Polarised projecters are pretty good too.


          • #6
            Yeah, the resolution on the viewsonic is 1680x1050...

            btw, I just found this today:


            ...and I've found it to have a lot of great information about stereo workflow in Max...the script doesn't work with a vray camera, but I'm sure someone could modify it to...anyone???



            • #7
              I bought the 3D ready samsung as a second monitor with the nvidia shutter glasses for gaming. It's really nice and there is no way i will go back to 2D for gaming.
              The technology is pretty old but the driver and game support is better then a few years ago. It works without messing with ini files.
              I have also a head mounted display (emagin) but the driver support is bad so i don't use it at the moment.
              I could not get 3d working in max but it is really awesome for gaming.
              You can also watch 3D movies but there is not much content available besides some old movies, trailers and X-rated stuff.
              This is about to change because many of the newer movies are already produced in stereoscopic version for cinemas.
              Creating your own stereo movies is easy, you just render a second camera 10 cm to the right of the first.
              The stereoscopic player can load two video streams or you make a combined one in after effects by placing the two streams next to each other in a composition.
              Reflect, repent and reboot.
              Order shall return.


              • #8
                Originally posted by tammo View Post
                You can also watch 3D movies .....and X-rated stuff..

                This sounds hillarious.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cubiclegangster View Post

                  This sounds hillarious.
                  you could say it's "coming at you"

