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Video project management / storage?

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  • Video project management / storage?

    Hey everyone, just thought I'd get some ideas on how you all manage your frames from max, your composited frames and your edited content... I'm finding the more sophisticated we get in our compositing / editing techniques the more we outgrow our existing file management system.

    I could use some ideas specifically regarding folder structure / storage techniques

    - Where do you store your rendered frames? Do you render RAW? I'm assuming you're running all your frames through a compositor prior to editing...
    - Where do you store your frames output from your compositor?
    - Where do you store your edit/composite project files?
    - How do you handle network latency when working with large video frames? We're on full duplex gigabit individually piping into a fast server with 2 full duplex gigabit ports.
    - Do you pull all video content locally to comp/edit? If so do you automate pushing that content back up to the network?
    - Do you use version control software to manage changes to the editing / compositing pipeline? Is it custom or off the shelf?
    - How do you handle animation revisions? Do you overwrite yesterday's frames to replace with today's? When you update the 3D file, render then run through the compositor then bring into editor, how do you keep all the file updates from getting messy?
    - How do you file/archive your final project? I'm finding its difficult to weed out intermediary files from final files once a project is finished...


    As an example, we just finished an HD animation thats consuming 150GB with all the max files, rendered frames, comp'd frames and edited video. I'm hoping to pick up some better pipeline techniques especially from those of you in big shops. I'd like to streamline the way we store our files to reduce the amount of wasted space and to make it easier to make project changes in the future.

    Thanks everyone for your feedback,
    Christopher Grant
    Director of Visualization, HMC Architects

  • #2
    Wow, that ended up being a ridiculously long post. Maybe you could just pick one point to respond to... lol...
    Christopher Grant
    Director of Visualization, HMC Architects


    • #3
      Another couple questions.

      How do you handle multiple elements to the same shot? For instance - we render trees, people and any associated fixes as their own files with their own mattes / render elements. What is the best way to file these away? How do you handle revisions - ie rerender the trees to be fall colors instead of spring for the intro shot?
      Christopher Grant
      Director of Visualization, HMC Architects

