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Stereoscopic 3D viewing question

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  • Stereoscopic 3D viewing question

    Hi all

    So for the 3 types of viewing possible with stereoscopic 3d namely the polaroid glasses, the old red/blue glasses, and the lcd shutter, which ones can I view directly from pc/tv/single projector? Only the old red/blue glasses version?

    As far as I understand the polaroid glasses effect is produced with 2 projectors showing a different image. So you can't view this on a pc with polarois glasses is this correct?

    What is the lcd shutter version all about?

    How can anybody ever view anything with those old red/blue glasses? It hurts my eyes if I look at anything longer than a few seconds with those!
    Kind Regards,

  • #2
    Polarization requires specialized monitors or projectors. There's no way around it. Red/blue glasses can be used everywhere, even in print, but suck. LCD shutters work in many different situations but not always as good as you might like. The best result is with an old CRT monitor with a high refresh rate.
    There's a 4'th option as well. Autostereoscopic displays. They are special monitors that enables you to see stereoscopic 3d without any glasses of any kind. They rock, but are expensive.


    • #3
      too add, shutter glasses are just that, shutters, while the left eye frame is being displayed the shutter blinds the right eye then the left eye while the right eye frame is displayed in succession.
      Eric Boer


      • #4
        we're working on a sterioscopic project atm.
        using red/green to preview. while its quite horrible you get an idea of how well the shot is working in 3D.

        we are really fortunate to have the HD projectors and screen that will be used installed here. the main point is viewing on your monitor is no way the same as the 4 meter screen (in our case) you really do need to be able to see your work on this large format to get an idea of how well everything's working.


        • #5
          you can chek out the monitors
          they cost 300 dollars and are the only monitors offering full resolution 1680x1050 (no interlaced format)
          its true 3d, it has some ghosting, but new glasse have improved that

          its the most affordable solution right now with great picture, especially if you dont want the active shutter nvidia solution!


          • #6
            I have both the iz3D 22" and the Hyundai 22" 3D monitor. It's true the iz3d isn't interlaced and is half the price of the 22" Hyundai but so far I much prefer the Hyundai monitor. Besides ghosting much less the Hyundai only uses one video port and for very basic stereo viewing don't need any drivers. The iz3d takes two video ports as in you need a dual head card (might work with two video cards but I'm not really sure) and at least with the original glasses ghosts a lot more. I haven't had a chance to try the new iz3d glasses but they are sitting on my shelf. The down side of the Hyundai is the 22" version is $600 and the interlacing can cause some problems in stereo 3d images with high frequency noise though I find it's almost never a problem. At work we have the 24" Hyundai stereo monitors and I liked my 22" so much I got one to replace my 24" LCD that I use on my laptop. I can't use the iz3d on my laptops because they all only have a single video port. I can use the Hyundai's on any of my computers but can only hook the iz3d up to my desktop and can't have a second monitor without getting a 2nd video card. Oh, the 24" Hyundai works great with DVI but less well with a VGA connector. It also has inputs for component, HDMI and I think s-video and/or composite video (I don't feel like pulling it out far enough to check).

            I have also use shutter glass systems and HMDs. Shutter glass systems have all worked okay, not as easy and problem free as the iz3d and Hyundai's though.

            If I were to suggest a stereo monitor I would have to say either the 22" or 24" Hyundai if you can afford either one. But it might be worth holding off as a bunch of 3d stuff will be hitting the market this year and maybe something better or cheaper will be coming out.


            • #7
              What's the actual quality and comfort difference between passive and shutter-glass systems anyway? I've never had the chance to try a shutter-glass system.


              • #8
                It all depends on the system. When you have a good system operation correctly they both seem about the same for comfort and quality. In my experience so far though shutter glass systems tend to suffer a lot more technical problems. Mostly they can get out of sync and when they lose sync no 3d and in most cases you need to take the glasses off or you will break your brain.

