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CS3 lag fix

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  • CS3 lag fix

    I have Vista Ultimate 64 and CS3 was taking forever to open anything/everything. After some net sleuthing, I discovered I had my default printer set to a shared network printer. Changing the default printer to a local one immediately fixed the problem and now CS3 is fast again.

    Sorry if this is old news, but thought it might help someone...

  • #2
    I don't know if it's showed up before, but Man am I glad you posted that.

    We were doing a demo offsite. Here I did a few tests. It took 18.6 seconds for me to open Photoshop, hit file new, and have the new doc pop up for my default network printer (which is actually connected, through AD, and on a reasonably fast network). Second test produced 22 seconds, still through the network, but an IP printer, not AD (active directory, for those that aren't familiar).

    I don't actually have local printers, but had 2 choices, for myself. Snagit8, or MS XPS document writer. Both of those produced 16 seconds flat.

    It's not night and day, but it Does make sense. If the network is slow, or you are Off the network, it could take ages to open a new file. We were doing a demo offsite, the printer was a network printer which couldn't be found, so file new, and opening files took forEver.

    Thanks for the post. Hopefully others will find that useful as well. It wouldn't have been something I searched for because our adobe updates nearly never work right. I was putting blame on that so never searched. Others could be the same.


    • #3
      Hey Andrew, I'm happy to hear this helped someone a bit
      BTW, I too, chose the Microsoft XPS writer.


      • #4
        yeah, in my tests the times are barely different, but it's near the end of the day. People are actually trying to get things done instead of be on youTube. I never would have guessed it was network issue.


        • #5
          Originally posted by andrewjohn81 View Post
          ...People are actually trying to get things done instead of be on youTube...
          Too funny


          • #6
            Yea we had similar issues here when we changed out a file server, turned out you can also clear up a lot of issues by clearing the Most Recent Used files list.

            it was locking up so long that we had to unplug from the network just to get photoshop open so that we could do the clearing from the preferences menu.

            just another case if anyones searching
            Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


            • #7
              For some reason my machine started slowing down when it came to PS. We did have some severe network issues but those have been largely sorted.

              What I cannot understand is that if I have a PS file open from the computer hard drive - it is still slow and stutters when I pan and zoom about the image.

              My default printer is set to the main one in the office and not the MS one.

              With regard to clearing in PS, how do I do this ?
              Last edited by Noise; 14-04-2009, 06:03 AM.


              • #8
                Edit > Preferences > File Handling > Recent file list contains "X" files

                Set "X" to 0 (zero)
                Ben Steinert


                • #9
                  It has made no difference - it still stutters and pauses.

