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Life change

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  • Life change

    Hey guys I have decided to make a massive life change and move to a new country (leaning towards Taiwan). I'm changing careers and planning on traveling for a while around Asia.

    So... I have been selling off all my stuff. I really don't think I'll be able to bring my favorite desktop, a boxx computer I had built a few years ago. So I'd like some opinions on what to do with it. I know I won't be able to sell it for anywhere close to what I bought it for but it seems silly to take it to a local store where no one would appreciate it.

    Any suggestions? I'd love to take it if I could. I'm a huge fan of Boxx and their great support.

  • #2
    It may be cheaper to bring it with you than the loss you'd make on selling it, if that makes sense. You could bring it and leave it in the new place, or leave it in storage near where you're planning on staying. If you want to sell it, try out, and any local cg-related communities (maybe theres some FX houses around your area and an employee might be interested to buy it for home).


    • #3
      depending on how old it is (ie: more than a couple of years) it'd be cheaper to get it shipped. edit: change of career, ah. Ask freelancers on various sites. Be prepared to get insulted.

      Either way, enjoy the change
      Last edited by Neilg; 09-05-2009, 06:47 PM.


      • #4
        hehe seems Barbados never comes up on people destination list

        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
        stupid questions the forum can answer.


        • #5
          I taught english for a year in Taichung, Taiwan after college back in 97. What city are you going to and what are you looking to do?
          LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
          HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
          Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


          • #6
            I once had a chance to work in Bermuda Barbados seems like it would be great
            Mike K
            Two heads are better than one ...
            ....but some head is better than none.....


            • #7
              Originally posted by cubiclegangster View Post
              depending on how old it is (ie: more than a couple of years) it'd be cheaper to get it shipped. edit: change of career, ah. Ask freelancers on various sites. Be prepared to get insulted.

              Either way, enjoy the change
              Thanks guys I think I'll be taking it now. What did you mean about asking freelancers?

              Originally posted by jujubee View Post
              I taught english for a year in Taichung, Taiwan after college back in 97. What city are you going to and what are you looking to do?
              I'm not 100% sure yet. I'm planning on not planning.

              How did you like it? I've been told the only thing I have to worry about is the women are going to hit on me. (No clue why I'd be worried about that). Did you learn Mandarin or get by fine without it? I'm a very slow learner when it comes to languages.


              • #8
                There is a section on cgarchitect for buying and selling. May be useful.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jer25 View Post
                  Thanks guys I think I'll be taking it now. What did you mean about asking freelancers?
                  To sell it to - the being insulted part was suprise at how little it may be worth.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cubiclegangster View Post
                    To sell it to - the being insulted part was suprise at how little it may be worth.
                    It's probably best for me to avoid that kick in the nuts. If I see the small amount people are willing to pay it might make me cry.

                    Thanks tct70 I'll check it out for some other items I have.


                    • #11
                      I'm not 100% sure yet. I'm planning on not planning.

                      How did you like it? I've been told the only thing I have to worry about is the women are going to hit on me. (No clue why I'd be worried about that). Did you learn Mandarin or get by fine without it? I'm a very slow learner when it comes to languages.
                      I got by without it - I'm 1/4 Chinese and have some relatives over there that don't speak English. When the going got tough, I called my mom and she acted as an interpreter. But most of my time I was on my own. I also met other expats from all over the world - they were a handy community that often figured out stuff for me.

                      Definitely research ESL (English as a Second Language) on line and get a list of companies together in the cities you plan on staying at. There's some schools which have a pretty organized system in place - money, lodging, transportation (scooters), etc. It's a good way to meet other foreigners which are equally crazy. Some of these companies will actually pay your airfare if you sign a contract.

                      The only other jobs I saw for expats that didn't speak the language were construction, talking girls (Chinese people pay to simply have girls talk with you at a bar), and male strippers. Most of the construction and stipping positions were filled with Iraqis.

                      You can get by on grunts, moans, and pointing at stuff. I actually became very adept at that - however the Chinese people look at you as if you're retarded when you can't speak their language.

                      But if you want to get an apartment, you're best trying to find another English speaker to live with that has all those arrangements sorted out - electricity, phone, etc. Otherwise, it can be very difficult. I actually didn't want a television because I would rather be out doing stuff, but towards the end of my stay I think I could have learned A LOT of the language if I did have it. You'll really miss out (unfortunately) if you don't get one.

                      As for Chinese girls hitting on you, they'll flirt especially if you have blonde hair and blue eyes. They'll think you're a movie star. However, I think a lot of them won't bother going beyond that because of their parents having strict control. When it came to women tho, I had a great time and no problems in that department - it was mostly (90%) other foreign women from all over the world hanging out at the foreigner/expat bars.

                      It was definitely an adventure and a constant party.

                      Beyond Taiwan, I'd say that the one other country people really enjoyed traveling to was Southern Thailand (and no, it wasn't always about sex lol - people actually enjoyed the climate and friendly people there.)
                      LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                      HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                      Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog

