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#preRender callbacks and BackBurner -

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  • #preRender callbacks and BackBurner -

    Or, more specifically, Scene Explorer causes crash on BB slaves running BB as service.

    If we leave a Scene Explorer window open and then net render, the job will fail on every node running BB as a service (instead of the desktop server.exe) which is 99% of our farm machines.

    Firstly, Can anyone else reproduce this?

    Secondly, Can anyone suggest a way to get a callback to close all Scene Explorer windows on submission to BB?

    Here are the two methods I've tried and the problems I've had with each.

    1. callbacks.addscript #prerender works only on local render, not on BB submission.

    2. callbacks.addscript #presave works for BB submission because the scene is saved before submission to the manager. But this also fires off on Holds and Autosaves.

    I'd love to be able to filter the subtype of a callback. i.e. #prerender #netrender or something like that...



  • #2
    Here is the meager script I have to deal with this. This would be distributed to user's startup folders. I have the #preSystemShutdown in there because Max will crash on shutdown if a Scene Explorer window is open on exit.

    fn closeAllSceneExplorers = 
        for i = 1 to SceneExplorerManager.GetExplorerCount() do
            theName = SceneExplorerManager.GetExplorerName i
            SceneExplorerManager.CloseExplorer theName
    fn openAllSceneExplorers = 
        for i = 1 to SceneExplorerManager.GetExplorerCount() do
            theName = SceneExplorerManager.GetExplorerName i
            SceneExplorerManager.OpenExplorer theName
    callbacks.removeScripts id:#FixScnExp
    callbacks.addscript #preRender "closeAllSceneExplorers()" id:#FixScnExp
    callbacks.addscript #postRender "openAllSceneExplorers()" id:#FixScnExp
    callbacks.addscript #preSystemShutdown "closeAllSceneExplorers()" id:#FixScnExp

