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uni or dual processor

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  • #16
    1) make sure your CPU is a rev C1.

    2) make sure your motherboard supports HT (maybe it would requires a bios update), then enable HT in your bios.

    3) If you are running Windows 2000 you MUST REINSTALL because multi cpu or HyperThread are detected during its install.
    (there is an other solution but it is much more complex and not very safe)

    If you are running Windows XP then simply start a new install process, XP will try to find for existing install and will ask you if you want to REPAIR it.
    That is the option you must choose.

    4) to check that everything is OK (and hyperthreded ) launch the task manager (ctrl+alt+dell) and you should see 2 differents graph for each logical CPU.


    • #17
      I must add that OK, HT or muti thread are very cool BUT overclocking is also very interesting.

      I run 3 PCs and they are all oveclocked and still rock stable :

      PC1 = P4 A 2 @ 2.7Ghz (Intel fan)

      PC2 =P4 A 1.6 @ 2.9Ghz (water cooled)

      PC3 = P4 HT 3.06 @ 3.35 (Intel fan) but this ones should run up to 3.8Ghz with a better power supplie.

      If I don't overclock my PCs then I would get 2+1.6+3.06=6.66Ghz
      Since I overclock all of my PCs : 2.7+2.9+3.8=9.4Ghz much better


      • #18
        OK. I desided to go for a litle shuttle. I know that it´s half of what I can get, but I´m more in to modeling and animate, or at least that´s what I´m going to do for a time now. Allso I´m realy gettin pissed by the design of the towers and I´m forced to keep the pc at home as I had an inbrake in my studio and all the junkies know were to get the goods.

        So, thankyou for the advise, and keep up the hardwareknoledge.


        ps: I allso have a 2.2ghz inspiron to plugg in and a renderfarm of about 30 good workstations 15 minutes away
        Daniel Westlund

