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BSOD on start

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  • BSOD on start

    My wifes computer sometimes goes to BSOD when she starts it up before it launches windows. The solution has been to simply restart it and it boots up fine. I can't find anything in the event log that would indicate what the problem is. Any thoughts?

  • #2
    Try updating the Bios, Had this problem on a machine myself.
    Bios update fixed it..



    • #3
      I usually do what Tom suggests first. Bios.

      BSOD should indicate what caused the problem in the first place. Next time it happens hopefully it will stay on the screen long enough to see what is causing the problem. If it is a driver issue, I usually try to install all the latest drivers for the entire computer as the next step.

      If that doesn't work, the I save all the important data to an external HDD and then save all the newest drivers you just downloaded and rebuild the computer. I usually end up saving a LOT of time this way compared to weeks troubleshooting the problem.

      Just my 10 cents.
      Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
      Midwest Studios


      • #4
        Originally posted by winberg View Post
        Try updating the Bios, Had this problem on a machine myself.
        Bios update fixed it..

        I'll try that. Thanks.

