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Maxscript help

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  • Maxscript help

    I'm trying to make a script that sets up a few simple things for me. I could do it as Maxstart or use a few of several free scripts out there, but i'd rather do it myself and learn a bit. All i'm trying to do is set some values and create some things on script run. My current questions are:

    - Howcome i'm getting (below)?
    -- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: C:\Documents and Settings\George\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsMax\2010 - 64bit\enu\UI\usermacros\Scene Presets-ScenePresetDayExterior.mcr; position: 3445; line: 117
    -- Syntax error: at if, expected <rollout clause>
    --  In line: 				if c
    Here's the icons if anyone wants em. Pop them in 3dsmax/ui/icons and you can use them anywhere.

    macroScript ScenePresetDayExterior
    	category:"Scene Presets"
    		rollout scenePresetRollout "ScenePreset" width:160 height:128 
    			checkbox chk_RenderSettings "Checkbox" pos:[8,8] width:16 height:16 checked:true
    			checkbox chk_SunSettings "Checkbox" pos:[8,32] width:16 height:16 checked:true
    			checkbox chk_CameraSettings "Checkbox" pos:[8,56] width:16 height:16 checked:true
    			checkbox chk_SkySettings "Checkbox" pos:[8,80] width:16 height:16 checked:true
    			label lbl_RenderSettings "Render Settings" pos:[32,8] width:120 height:16
    			label lbl_SunSettings "Sun Settings" pos:[32,32] width:120 height:16
    			label lbl_CameraSettings "Camera Settings" pos:[32,56] width:120 height:16
    			label lbl_SkySettings "Sky Settings" pos:[32,80] width:120 height:16
    			button btn_Load "Load" pos:[8,104] width:144 height:16
    			on btn_Load pressed do
    				fn RenderSettings = 
    					vr = renderers.current
    					vr.output_on = true
    					vr.options_hiddenLights = false
    					vr.options_defaultLights = 2
    					vr.options_limitDepth = true
    					vr.options_maxDepth = 6
    					vr.options_ray_bias = 0.005
    					vr.imageSampler_type = 0
    					vr.filter_on = false
    					vr.fixedRate_subdivs = 2
    					vr.twoLevel_baseSubdivs = 1
    					vr.twoLevel_fineSubdivs = 16
    					vr.twoLevel_threshold = 0.01
    					vr.twoLevel_useDMCSamplerThresh = false
    					vr.colorMapping_type = 6
    					vr.colorMapping_gamma = 2.2
    					vr.colorMapping_affectBackground = true
    					vr.colorMapping_subpixel = true
    					vr.gi_on = true
    					vr.gi_refractCaustics = false
    					vr.gi_reflectCaustics = false
    					vr.gi_primary_type = 0
    					vr.gi_secondary_type = 2
    					vr.gi_irradmap_minRate = -5
    					vr.gi_irradmap_maxRate = -2
    					vr.gi_irradmap_colorThreshold = 1.0
    					vr.gi_irradmap_normalThreshold = 0.3
    					vr.gi_irradmap_distThreshold = 0.2
    					vr.gi_irradmap_showCalcPhase = true
    					vr.gi_irradmap_showDirectLight = true
    					vr.dmcgi_subdivs = 8
    					vr.dmcgi_depth = 3
    					vr.dmc_earlyTermination_amount = 0.95
    					vr.dmc_earlyTermination_threshold = 0.008
    					vr.system_region_x = 32
    					vr.system_region_y = 32
    					vr.system_lowThreadPriority = true
    				fn SunSettings = 
    					fn GetSun = 
    						vrSuns = for item in lights where ( (classof item == VRaySun) ) collect item
    						if vrSuns.count == 0 then vrSun = VRaySun()
    						else vrSun = vrSuns[1]
    					vrSun = GetSun()
    					vrSun.enabled = true
    					vrSun.invisible = true
    					vrSun.turbidity = 2.0
    					vrSun.shadow_subdivs = 6
    					vrSun.shadow_bias = 0.0
    					if vrSun.pos == [0,0,0] then vrSun.pos = [-100, -100, 100]  = targetObject pos:[0,0,0]
    				fn CamSettings = 
    					fn GetCam = 
    						vrCams = for item in cameras where ( (classof item == VRayPhysicalCamera) ) collect item
    						if vrCams.count == 0 then vrCam = VRayPhysicalCamera()
    						else vrCam = vrCams[1]
    					vrCam = GetCam()
    					vrCam.targeted = false
    					vrCam.f_number = 5.6
    					vrCam.vignetting = false
    					vrCam.shutter_speed = 320
    					vrCam.ISO = 65
    					vrCam.whiteBalance = [230, 246, 255]
    					if vrCam.pos == [0,0,0] then vrCam.pos = [0, -10, 1.7]
    				fn SkySettings =
    					if environmentMap == undefined then environmentMap = VRaySky()
    				if chk_RenderSettings.checked then RenderSettings()
    				if chk_SunSettings.checked then SunSettings()
    				if chk_CameraSettings.checked then CamSettings()
    				if chk_SkySettings.checked then SkySettings()
    Last edited by duke2; 18-06-2009, 11:39 PM.

  • #2
    a few notes:

    -) you can't call a function before it is declared.

    -) you must not use the names of fixed constants ("VRayPhysicalCamera") as variable names for function calls.

    i removed the cam stuff, because I'm not sure what you are trying to what happens if there are multiple cams.

    with the sun, usually there is 1 sun only, so the script only recognizes the first found sun. can be expanded easily.

    fixed version:

    	On Execute Do
    		fn RenderSettings = 
    			vr = renderers.current
    			vr.output_on = true
    			vr.options_hiddenLights = false
    			vr.options_defaultLights = 2
    			vr.options_limitDepth = true
    			vr.options_maxDepth = 6
    			vr.options_ray_bias = 0.005
    			vr.imageSampler_type = 0
    			vr.filter_on = false
    			vr.fixedRate_subdivs = 2
    			vr.twoLevel_baseSubdivs = 1
    			vr.twoLevel_fineSubdivs = 16
    			vr.twoLevel_threshold = 0.01
    			vr.twoLevel_useDMCSamplerThresh = false
    			vr.colorMapping_type = 6
    			vr.colorMapping_gamma = 2.2
    			vr.colorMapping_affectBackground = true
    			vr.colorMapping_subpixel = true
    			vr.gi_on = true
    			vr.gi_refractCaustics = false
    			vr.gi_reflectCaustics = false
    			vr.gi_primary_type = 0
    			vr.gi_secondary_type = 2
    			vr.gi_irradmap_minRate = -5
    			vr.gi_irradmap_maxRate = -2
    			vr.gi_irradmap_colorThreshold = 1.0
    			vr.gi_irradmap_normalThreshold = 0.3
    			vr.gi_irradmap_distThreshold = 0.2
    			vr.gi_irradmap_showCalcPhase = true
    			vr.gi_irradmap_showDirectLight = true
    			vr.dmcgi_subdivs = 8
    			vr.dmcgi_depth = 3
    			vr.dmc_earlyTermination_amount = 0.95
    			vr.dmc_earlyTermination_threshold = 0.008
    			vr.system_region_x = 32
    			vr.system_region_y = 32
    			vr.system_lowThreadPriority = true
    		fn SunSettings = 
    			fn GetSun = 
    				scene_vray_suns = for item in lights where ( (classOf item == VRaySun) ) collect item  --scan all lights for vraylights, collect in array
    				if scene_vray_suns.count==0 then vrSun = VRaySun()  --create new sun, if array is empty (no suns found)
    				else vrSun = scene_vray_suns[1] --if array is not empty (suns in scene), use first sun in array
    				return vrSun --return the sun, otherwise fuctions returns nothing
    			vrSun = GetSun() --call function
    			vrSun.enabled = true
    			vrSun.invisible = true
    			vrSun.turbidity = 2.0
    			vrSun.shadow_subdivs = 6
    			vrSun.shadow_bias = 0.0
    			vrSun.pos = [100, 100, 100] =targetObject pos:[0,0,0]
    It's not a great script, just a fixed version of yours
    right now, the functions are more or less useless, because they are only called 1 time. It gets more interesting when you use function in loops, to manipulate multiple objects, etc.

    another note: right now it's a bit confusing because the "vrSun" variable is called the same from outside and inside the function, but it's important to know that they are totally different variables. that's why the return call is needed. a variable defined in a function is "local", it's invisible from the outside, even if it has the same name as an outside variable.

    Vray Sky is easy:

    environmentMap = VRaySky ()
    you can often find out how things work in maxscript by looking at the macro recorder.
    Last edited by plastic_; 18-06-2009, 05:34 AM.
    Marc Lorenz
    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


    • #3
      Thanks plastic! I've updated my script in the first post


      • #4
        watch the brackets...some cleanup:

        macroScript ScenePresetDayExterior
        category:"Scene Presets"
        	rollout scenePresetRollout "ScenePreset" width:160
        		checkbox chk_RenderSettings "Render Settings" checked:true
        		checkbox chk_SunSettings "Sun Settings" checked:true
        		checkbox chk_CameraSettings "Camera Settings" checked:true
        		checkbox chk_SkySettings "Sky Settings" checked:true
        		button btn_Load "Load" width:144
        		fn RenderSettings = 
        			vr = renderers.current
        			vr.output_on = true
        			vr.options_hiddenLights = false
        			vr.options_defaultLights = 2
        			vr.options_limitDepth = true
        			vr.options_maxDepth = 6
        			vr.options_ray_bias = 0.005
        			vr.imageSampler_type = 0
        			vr.filter_on = false
        			vr.fixedRate_subdivs = 2
        			vr.twoLevel_baseSubdivs = 1
        			vr.twoLevel_fineSubdivs = 16
        			vr.twoLevel_threshold = 0.01
        			vr.twoLevel_useDMCSamplerThresh = false
        			vr.colorMapping_type = 6
        			vr.colorMapping_gamma = 2.2
        			vr.colorMapping_affectBackground = true
        			vr.colorMapping_subpixel = true
        			vr.gi_on = true
        			vr.gi_refractCaustics = false
        			vr.gi_reflectCaustics = false
        			vr.gi_primary_type = 0
        			vr.gi_secondary_type = 2
        			vr.gi_irradmap_minRate = -5
        			vr.gi_irradmap_maxRate = -2
        			vr.gi_irradmap_colorThreshold = 1.0
        			vr.gi_irradmap_normalThreshold = 0.3
        			vr.gi_irradmap_distThreshold = 0.2
        			vr.gi_irradmap_showCalcPhase = true
        			vr.gi_irradmap_showDirectLight = true
        			vr.dmcgi_subdivs = 8
        			vr.dmcgi_depth = 3
        			vr.dmc_earlyTermination_amount = 0.95
        			vr.dmc_earlyTermination_threshold = 0.008
        			vr.system_region_x = 32
        			vr.system_region_y = 32
        			vr.system_lowThreadPriority = true
        		fn SunSettings = 
        			fn GetSun = 
        				local vrSun
        				local vrSuns = for item in lights where ( (classof item == VRaySun) ) collect item
        				if vrSuns.count == 0 then vrSun = VRaySun()
        				else vrSun = vrSuns[1]
        				return vrSun
        			vrSun = GetSun()
        			vrSun.enabled = true
        			vrSun.invisible = true
        			vrSun.turbidity = 2.0
        			vrSun.shadow_subdivs = 6
        			vrSun.shadow_bias = 0.0
        			if vrSun.pos == [0,0,0] then vrSun.pos = [-100, -100, 100] 
  = targetObject pos:[0,0,0]
        		fn CamSettings = 
        			fn GetCam = 
        				local vrCam
        				local vrCams = for item in cameras where ( (classof item == VRayPhysicalCamera) ) collect item
        				if vrCams.count == 0 then vrCam = VRayPhysicalCamera()
        				else vrCam = vrCams[1]
        				return vrCam
        			vrCam = GetCam()
        			vrCam.targeted = false
        			vrCam.f_number = 5.6
        			vrCam.vignetting = false
        			vrCam.shutter_speed = 320
        			vrCam.ISO = 65
        			vrCam.whiteBalance = [230, 246, 255]
        			if vrCam.pos == [0,0,0] then vrCam.pos = [0, -10, 1.7]
        		fn SkySettings =
        			if environmentMap == undefined then environmentMap = VRaySky()
        		on btn_Load pressed do
        			if chk_RenderSettings.checked then RenderSettings()
        			if chk_SunSettings.checked then SunSettings()
        			if chk_CameraSettings.checked then CamSettings()
        			if chk_SkySettings.checked then SkySettings()
        	createDialog scenePresetRollout
        Marc Lorenz
        ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

