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max 2010 changing viewports

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  • max 2010 changing viewports


    Just installed 2010. Viewports are fantastically fast! Cool
    But quick question.
    I tend work in full screen (1 maximised viewport)
    In 2009 when I want to SWITCH view I used the shortcut keys L-left T-top F-front P-perspective. the views would switch accordingly to the other views.

    in 2010 it CHANGES the current viewport. So if I am in a shaded perspective view, press T for top, instead of the top view switching it changes it! so instead of being a wireframe and in the location it was in previous, the perspective changes to top view in shaded and in the default location.

    Hopes this makes sense! So so irritating. I have searched everywhere for some button somewhere to press to alter this but to no avail! Help


  • #2
    that sucks. haven't used max 2010 enough to really notice. but its something that ill find annoying.

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      Hi Percy
      As soon as I posted I found a solution! Why does that always happen eh?
      There are keyboards shortcuts for active viewport 1 to 4 which I mapped the T,F,L and P keys to change views.
      So now it does what I want, yippie. It was really getting me annoyed.



      • #4
        Well, another reason to hate that I upgraded to 2010... Apart from being much slower at rendering vRay...

        I tend to use a lot of time getting around (disabling!) the cluttering of my workspace Autodesk are troubling me with each upgrade (ViewCube, new Selection By Name, Graphite Toolsbar, SteeringWheels etc.) ... so I can back to working at full speed ...

        But thanks for another workaround! Great work there ;-}
        You loose the flexibility of having different viewports setups as i.e. 'T' is now always viewport 1, not necessarily 'top view'.
        I haven't always 'top view' in that viewport, but what can you do - close enough



        • #5
          I don't think this is bad at all. I actually found it quite annoying that the shortcuts for orthographic views always first looked if there already was a viewport set to this view if you were working maximized. When you came back to the quad view mostly the old setup was completely scrambled or just gone because you did several view changes ! But this may be because I'm used to other programs for modeling.

