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Transformers - ugh....

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  • Transformers - ugh....

    Ok... so I went to see this movie last night. I had read some reviews about, most of which were really bad. So I had really low expectations going in (and hoping because of that I might enjoy it more). I have to say, it fell way below my already very low expectations. I might even consider it to be the worst movie I've ever seen. I would have rather watched 5 episodes of "the girl next door" (which always makes me feel dumber after watching 5 minutes of).

    What do the rest of you folks think?? IMDB has been bombarded with new reviews many of which are 9 or 10, so apparently some people really enjoy blurred action and explosions.

    You could make the argument that the movie is really just about F/X and animation. But seriously, I found that part even hard to enjoy because the motion was SO fast (or the camera was too close to the action), too much camera shaking, too much motion blur, or any combination of these. And maybe it didn't help that I had just downed 2 large sake bombers before the movie... BUT STILL!

    Maybe I'm just getting too old and grumpy.
    John Pruden
    3D Model Marketplace

  • #2
    My 13 year old son and I stood in line for good seats on opening night and we were both pretty pumped about see this. After the movie I asked him what he thought and he loved it. But I agree with you John, it was hard for me to watch with all the fast camera movements and blurs and camera jerking. I quickly got a feeling that the whole film was going to be that way after seeing the opening action scene.

    I'm 35, but I feel like I might have turned old and grumpy too. I could have done with out the dogs humping and "dumb" jokes like that. I probably would have laughed 15 years ago.


    • #3
      well Bay quit after this one. He said he is done working on high budget films. I can say with certaintly that based on my previous experience with clients, a movie Director cannot really make any major calls anymore. I can just picture 50 producers all telling him what to do, and that inturn made the movie a mess that it is and forced him to quit.
      Based on what you guys are saying, I am not going to watch it. Maybe on dvd.
      Dmitry Vinnik
      Silhouette Images Inc.


      • #4
        After seeing the first one, I will wait for DVD on number 2, because of the over the top close-up jerky camera issues others have pointed out. Too bad to hear the second one had the same problems as the first...


        • #5
          Personally I wanted to see alien robots fight and blow stuff up and they didn't disappoint. I liked the non stop action. There were things I didn't like though and had to just ignore them when watching. Like the new annoying characters that are in there for comic relief only. Sure they said a couple of funny things but they were too much for me.

          I agree with you on the transforming, the camera moves were too fast to watch it. Maybe there would be tons of crash-throughs and that was a way of covering them up?

          As far as the story line... I can't say I had high hopes but it's not a movie that I went into thinking it would be a deep plot so I wasn't disappointed there. For me, it was worth my money and I will be buying the DVD when it comes out.

          My 30's will be starting next month, are ass-kicking robots not cool when you reach that age? What about Ninjas, will I have to let them go as well?


          • #6
            Maybe we are just old and grumpy at 35? I mean, lets face it, who is this movie made for? What is the target audience. Lets be honest: it probably is for the sub-20 group when all said and done.

            (I haven't seen it yet. I did see the first one on DVD though and didn't really rank it to highly)
            Kind Regards,
            Richard Birket



            • #7
              Hell, i'm 21 and I thought it was toss. Grumpy, maybe.

              It was very pretty, but after the novelty of looking at good renders wore off (15min ish) there wasnt much else there. Second one is even worse than the first, I only saw it because i got to go free.


              • #8
                I felt let down by it. The comic relief characters, the parents, the stupid jokes and one liners, most of the transformations happening six inches from the camera....I guess i just expected that they completed the first major hurdles in the first one and could have stepped it up a bit. Hopefully the dvd/supplimentals will make this somewhat more worthwhile then the theater experience.

                Oh and i'm 36...not grumpy...can just identify a crappy movie when i see one.
                -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jer25 View Post
                  . . . My 30's will be starting next month, are ass-kicking robots not cool when you reach that age? What about Ninjas, will I have to let them go as well?
                  Yes, the only thing left that's cool are zombies.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Raytonium View Post
                    Yes, the only thing left that's cool are zombies.
                    Crap, I've never been into zombies. Maybe I've just been uncool this whole time and not known. So with this new realization, please ignore my whole previous statements about the movie.


                    • #11
                      I like the 1st one up untill the point the "good guys" got introduced and every1 teams up. From there the storyline goes downhill towards the level of a 10 year old. But the graphics was still pretty cool all they way and I got use to the in your face stuff. Haven't seen the second one yet, but hoping to see it soon.

                      Ninjas are still pretty cool (well almost), but seems they don't make those movies anymore. Hows old Michael Dudikoff and David Bradley doing these days after American Ninja 1 - 4? (in the 5th one it all went downhill). Best Ninja ever was (excuse my spelling) Shu Kusugi. I'm 33 and Chackie Chan beats any Ninja movie anytime (Except maybe for Henry Senada and Conan Lee in "Ninja in the Dragon's den)

                      Back to the topic, I will probably be purchasing Transformers 1 on DVD and depending on the 2nd one, buy that one also. The bonus behind the scenes tech material they have on the special edition 2nd disk is worth the cash usually
                      Kind Regards,


                      • #12
                        i got the impression they used all the blur and speed and angles to hide the graphics more than anything. Certainly hated that aspect of the first movie.


                        • #13
                          I fell asleep during the first movie - was a Saturday afternoon after a Friday evening of fairly heavy drinking. The first one didn't really keep me interested anyway - half decided to close my eyes as and sleep, rather than fall asleep naturally if you know what I mean.

                          After reading the posts here, I'll not be rushing to the cinema any time soon.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by digitalx3d View Post
                            Ok... so I went to see this movie last night. I had read some reviews about, most of which were really bad. So I had really low expectations going in (and hoping because of that I might enjoy it more). I have to say, it fell way below my already very low expectations...
                            I'm hoping that coupled with the bad reviews I've read and your really bad review that I might actually enjoy it... maybe a few drinks are in order beforehand...


                            • #15
                              well good or not, I just got my animation news in email and it has headlines like:
                              TRANSFORMERS 2 MARKS 2ND BEST MIDNIGHT RUN.
                              TRANSFORMERS 2 DOMINATES WEEKEND BOX OFFICE.
                              Kind Regards,

