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Residential imagery pricing and DMG files

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  • Residential imagery pricing and DMG files

    Hi guys,

    Ive just had an enquiry to cost some residential renders. The client wants to know what the pricing difference would be for varying amounts of renders and also the cost difference between him supplying DMG files and jpg images of the site.

    Firstly, does anyone know if DMG files (as ive never worked with them) are a 3d format, as in, a 3d model rather than 2d cad plans ?

    Secondly, does anyone know what an average cost would be to supply single renders of a housing site, and then 3-4 images, 4-8 images and then the site plan?

    Im assuming the single image would initially cost more than the 3-4 or 4-8 images.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated.


    My Portfolio

  • #2
    DMG? that could be a CD image?

    if you're talking DNG, then thats a microstation file, and could be 2d or 3d, if its the latter, then have them save out to dwg for you.

    As for pricing, that really comes down to a judgement call, and an honest discussion of what type/location of images would be required.
    Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


    • #3
      Well, the client isnt being very forthcoming. Ive asked him for more information and he is not giving any. So regarding price, it is difficult to know what to estimate...

      Apparently, the client thinks that DMG files are CAD files....I dont really use a lot of CAD filetypes though so not sure at all.
      Last edited by stevesideas; 30-06-2009, 07:53 AM.


      My Portfolio


      • #4
        Never heard of DMG, maybe the client is talking about DWG - those are CAD files and they can contain 3d data - depending on how they were created. If you are lucky you get a full 3d model, if you are unlucky you just get 2d plans from all sides. If they are not coming from Autocad you might also run into a normal problem but thats usually a quick fix.
        About the pricing, thats depends on what quality you offer, how long it would take you and so on...I would calculate something like 300-400€ per image + some additional € for the modeling part.


        • #5
          I'd be very careful if the client asks for 3d/CAD files.

          I had some trouble with such clients, i _never_ agree to give away the 3d model, unless the client is someone I know, and I'm exactly sure what he is going to do with it.

          When you provide images or animations, there is no catch.
          When clients want CAD files, they often expect that they can just load it into autocad and render out images, looking the same way as those you rendered for them.

          Clients also believe that they can convert the CAD file into some VRML format, and do interactive presentations, again with the same appearance like the stills you rendered for them.

          Even if the person you are dealing with, understands that it's impossible, to give them your complete scene files, because it only works with 3dsmax, you can't share the textures, it only renders with VRay, plugins, etc,
          there still may be some other person/manager who expect ridiculous things, based on the agreement to provide them 3d data.

          Even if they understand that it's going to be a raw autocad DWG only, with raw geometry, no textures, no lights, they will still bug you, because the file isn't organized in layers, as they expect. Or they will bug you, because the person who edits the file can't figure out the scale, or doesn't know how to load it into sketchup.

          In my experience it's important to memorize that NEW CLIENTS = stupid and/or annoying. The exception proves the rule.
          Marc Lorenz
          ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


          • #6
            Originally posted by stevesideas View Post
            Apparently, the client thinks that DMG files are CAD files....I dont really use a lot of CAD filetypes though so not sure at all.
            your client has things mixed up, dmgs are apple's disk images. nothing to do with cad files. I also guess he means dwg.


            • #7
              my experience of house 3d's direct from the home owner never amounts to anything. They don't have a clue what is involved even if you educate them and then they can't run fast enough when they hear the price. The price Olli96 quoted is being generous. Even at half that and even a quarter of that and the direct home owner runs. (unless it's a guy with a mansion for a house) Also anything lower than Olli's mentioned price and you just hurting the industry and stopping youself from expanding/upgrading/profit at some point. As for the different images, I guess it depends on how much extra you have to model to show this extra views
              Last edited by Morne; 30-06-2009, 12:06 PM.
              Kind Regards,


              • #8
                plastic_, the client isnt actually asking for the 3d files (sorry if I made it seem as though he did). I have been advised to charge large amounts of money if the client does want the source files though.

                Regarding the DMG files, I was thinking exactly the same thing..he means DWG files, which I have worked with on many occasions.

                As he couldnt really be bothered to give me any information ive basically charged a fair cost for the initial render and then a substantially cut down price for each render after that.

                Hopefully should find out tomorrow.


                My Portfolio


                • #9
                  if they want dwg...i did it before, it was a dwg super hyper exploded...they have what they want but i don't know if they would be able to use it anyway and of couse without textures.

                  I found that charging one fee per image doesn't work well...instead i'd charge x for the first one and x/2or more for additional views of the same room or's terrible when you work so hard modeling the house and after few cuts on the budget they only want 1 view.

                  good luck with your client!!!
                  show me the money!!


                  • #10
                    Cheers for the advice.

                    I decided to charge a good price for the first image. Any image after that is substantially less. That way, the client is more inclined to go for more imagery.


                    My Portfolio


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by stevesideas View Post
                      Firstly, does anyone know if DMG files (as ive never worked with them) are a 3d format, as in, a 3d model rather than 2d cad plans ?
                      just an idea, could be that he was thinking about DTM (digital terrain model)?


                      • #12
                        Will be interested to hear how this goes..


                        • #13
                          Could be a DNG file which is a MicroStation format (I think)
                          Could be a DWG file which is an Autotoss..I mean 'cad' file
                          3-400 euros per image seems very very cheap to me.
                          Kind Regards,
                          Richard Birket



                          • #14
                            Hmm, now i am intrested what you guys charge, especxially those who say i am to cheap...these 400€ per image is just for the rendering process, that doesnt include modeling, lighting texturing and post production. Maybe i should raise my rates...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Olli96 View Post
                              Hmm, now i am intrested what you guys charge, especxially those who say i am to cheap...these 400€ per image is just for the rendering process, that doesnt include modeling, lighting texturing and post production. Maybe i should raise my rates...
                              I misunderstood the part about your modelling, ligthing etc is extra.
                              Kind Regards,

