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Overclocked i7 920

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  • Overclocked i7 920

    I just built a new workstation with i7 920 proccessor with 12GB ram, the system is overclocked at 3.8GHz(stable) from 2.66. I was wondering is somebody here have better results?


    show me the money!!

  • #2
    That's damn high already. Are you sure it's stable? Did you run Prime95 for some hours?
    Marc Lorenz
    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


    • #3
      yes, i did it for 24 hours

      so far i'm pretty happy and i'll be even happier when Autodesk resolve the issue in max 2010.
      about the proccessor I think the it's pretty good deal ($199), somebody told me that i7 extreme can reach 6 GHz stable but it's almost $1000 proccesssor. Today ,for this economic crisis I'm trying to see if I can get good result with these new proccessors instead to expend more than $5K every 2 years in a fancy workstation.....the only reason to me to expend more money is if i know for sure that MAX and Vray work with Nvidia Tesla and getting the budget approved by my wife

      Last edited by flino2004; 24-07-2009, 06:59 AM.
      show me the money!!


      • #4
        Damn. I really need to lobby for a new system here. My Q6700 at home is 2x faster so an OCed i7 would be a dream.

        Hah. The all important WAF. Wife Acceptance Factor.


        • #5
          Originally posted by sea2stars View Post
          hah. The all important waf. Wife acceptance factor.


          • #6
            ...can relate to that alright!
            -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


            • #7
              some info for you guys,
              I bought everything in a local store here in Minneapolis, it could be cheaper on-line and without taxes.

              HD seagate 500GB................... 59.99
              MoBO ASUS P6T...................... 239.99
              DVDRW Samsung...................... 24.99
              (2 kits) Corsair DDR3 6GB/1600......240.00 -40 rebate total 200
              i7 920.....................................199.00
              Corsair 750W............................124.99 -25 rebate total 100
              vista 64-bit upgrate coupon W7 ..159.00
              Coolmast tower HAF932..............139.00
              Geforce GTX275 896MB(240 cores)..214.99-15 rebate total 200
              coolmast v8-heatsink cooler.........69.99
              show me the money!!


              • #8
                Note that Max2010 has problems utilizing all the cores (or virtual cores) in the i7's, so you'll most likely see only 4 of the 8 cores being used.

                Please someone correct me - I want to get an i7 too!


                • #9
                  Hi flino2004 ,

                  (*) I7 920 D0 @ 4.1 Ghz with home made liquid with 2 radiators. Render temperature 69/70°C

                  (*) I7 920 @ 3.9 Ghz with home made liquid with 1 radiators. Render temperature 68/69°C

                  I choose the liquid solution for:

                  (*) no noise. My nodes are incredibly quiet. All five fans run to 500 RPM
                  (*) more OC possibility.
                  (*) better temperature (I think)

                  I run stable to 4.3 Ghz, but my CPU has too much overvolt (and too hot), so, I decrease to 4.1

                  1.300 euro for node ( 160 GB HD, Low VGA ATI Fanless, 6 GB Corsair 1600, liquind cooler, Corsair 550W, some noctua fans and coolmaster case)
                  Here the italian shop.

                  Last edited by cecofuli; 26-07-2009, 05:54 AM.

                  VRay - THE COMPLETE GUIDE - The book
                  Corona - THE COMPLETE GUIDE - The book

                  --- FACEBOOK ---


                  • #10
                    Thats a mad set up. I wish I had one! Our office gets soo hot when all the nodes are rendering.


                    • #11
                      Wow - nice. Did the D0 stepping just come out? Got any recommendations for a commercial water-cooling setup?


                      • #12
                        D0 is some month that is out.
                        And a good air system is equal to a commercial water cooling. I suggest to built your self your liquid system or buy a good air system with good fans.
                        Anyway, this is some commercial liquid cooler


                        but, for example, see the Thermaltake tube and mine. Or the radiator dimension ( I've two radiator), my waterblock is very good. I use two Noctua fans ( no noise) etc...
                        Last edited by cecofuli; 26-07-2009, 08:04 AM.

                        VRay - THE COMPLETE GUIDE - The book
                        Corona - THE COMPLETE GUIDE - The book

                        --- FACEBOOK ---


                        • #13
                          It's pretty impressive what you can get tweaking some settings and almost double the proccessor speed....this was my first OC because I usually buy computers from manufacters, but i think i'll build my own computers.
                          regarding watercooling, I wanted to do it but i decided go to air (cheaper) and I'm not that far from you (cecofuli) in speed and temperature....the case is very ventilated already and the heatsink cooler CoolerMaster V8 is a monster



                          I'm doing some tests with HT off to see what is the difference in render time from 4cores -4 threats cores to 4 cores-8 threats.
                          Last edited by flino2004; 26-07-2009, 02:52 PM.
                          show me the money!!


                          • #14
                            I used to build my own computers, but my attitude now is, get them to build it so if there are any problems, im not wasting time debugging them - just drop it off and pick it up the next day.


                            • #15
                              hey flino

                              nice case flino, been doing research to build myself a system lately might jump on that case. Im still not sure on water cooling or not, it seems pretty stable. Anyone have any idea when the next round of processors will be realeased and is it worth it to jump on the 920 now ? i have a dual quad E5345, and i dont need the new system but i really want one lol...Any thoughts ?
                              Ruben Gil

