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Maxscript help MKIII

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  • Maxscript help MKIII

    What's all this then. It's only a selected part of the code but is all in context. There is a global "global VRCUDesc".

    -- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: CKD-VRCacheUtils.mcr; position: 1223; line: 49
    -- Syntax error: at keyword parameter, expected name
    -- In line: label VRCUDescLabel VRCUDesc pos:[

    line 49 = label VRCUDescLabel VRCUDesc pos:[0,0]

    		dropdownlist VRCUDDown "" items:#(
    															"Load Existing",
    															width:200 align:#center
    		on VRCUDDown selected sel do
    			if sel == 1 then
    				VRCUDesc = "Saves the current in-memory cache and loads it (sets mode to File)."
    			if sel == 2 then
    				VRCUDesc = "Turns off render final image, turns on show gi only, changes mode to Single, auto-save and auto-switch!"
    			if sel == 3 then
    				VRCUDesc = "Loads existing caches."
    			if sel == 4 then
    				VRCUDesc = "Goes back to Single mode, turns off auto-save and switch."
    		groupBox VRCUDescGrp "" pos:[5,30] width:200 height:60 
    		label VRCUDescLabel VRCUDesc pos:[0,0]

  • #2
    I'd say that the text of the label "VRCUDescLabel" can't be initialized with a variable (VRCUDesc) like this.

    Try to replace the code with this:
    dropdownlist VRCUDDown "" items:#(
                                                                "Load Existing",
                                                                width:200 align:#center
            groupBox VRCUDescGrp "" pos:[5,30] width:200 height:60 
            label VRCUDescLabel "Saves the current in-memory cache and loads it (sets mode to File)." pos:[0,0] -- Label Text = Default option text
            on VRCUDDown selected sel do
                if sel == 1 then
                    VRCUDescLabel.text = "Saves the current in-memory cache and loads it (sets mode to File)."
                if sel == 2 then
                    VRCUDescLabel.text = "Turns off render final image, turns on show gi only, changes mode to Single, auto-save and auto-switch!"
                if sel == 3 then
                    VRCUDescLabel.text = "Loads existing caches."
                if sel == 4 then
                    VRCUDescLabel.text = "Goes back to Single mode, turns off auto-save and switch."

