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Max Snap - another release

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  • Max Snap - another release


    does anyone know of a plugin that facilitates a snap that actually works?
    so bored of the non-functioning snap in max - its driving me to distraction having to rely on align and array. what on earth is wrong with the morons that develop the product.
    They really are the most incompetent bunch of tossers out there!
    Immersive media - design and production

  • #2
    bump for a good one, max snaps can be bad


    • #3
      Last I heard, the Connection Extension for 3ds Max Design 2010 caused a bug with the snap menu/selection, the solution was to uninstall it. Not sure if these is a new version up with a fix for this.

      .... . .-.. .--. .-.-.- .--. .-.. . .- ... . ... . -. -.. -.-. .... --- -.-. --- .-.. .- - .
      I need a new signature
      Max2017.1 | Vray 3.70.01| win11
      ASUS Z790PLUS | i9 13900K | 64Gb RAM | Geforce GTX4070Ti


      • #4
        Originally posted by ior=0 View Post
        Last I heard, the Connection Extension for 3ds Max Design 2010 caused a bug with the snap menu/selection, the solution was to uninstall it. Not sure if these is a new version up with a fix for this.

        what i mean is that it just doesnt work properly - it doesnt snap exactly to a vertex or a grid point for example.
        Last edited by deflix; 11-09-2012, 07:02 AM.
        Immersive media - design and production


        • #5
          You're recent rants seem a tad off tbh. I dont really have any issues with snapping, that might be just me tho...instead of swearing here you might want to talk to thing i always loved about this forum is that it is polite and professional as far as possible...wouldnt wanna loose that..


          • #6

            point taken but at this stage ive simply run out of patience. snap is fine if youre modelling the average project. if you require absolute accuracy however you quickly realise that the snap wanders about by tiny amounts rendering it useless.
            Last edited by deflix; 11-09-2012, 07:01 AM.
            Immersive media - design and production


            • #7
              wow...that post started good and ended weird. I simply didnt have the time and resources to keep it neither holding the domain or holding back the files. Am more then willing to share them (as they are still up, just hidden). I just cant have the repository open anymore as it requires a lot of looking after due to ppl uploading copyrighted material and alike. Didnt mean to piss you off and am sorry if you took offense. In addition i cant make it read-only available either as the ppl donating their Assets wanted to keep them locked down to legit vray users mostly so i dont wanna spread that all out to the wild.

     can still swear at the-area so at least they get to read it even if they dont answer :P

              Last edited by instinct; 13-11-2009, 11:00 AM.


              • #8
                Well this is all completely insane, but to take your point - Max lacks accuracy. In fact, all 3D programs lack accuracy. This is you get issues when you move further away from the origin. As I understand it, Max (and other 3D programs) operate with float, and CAD (autocad, etc.) work with double precision floats. To be more technical, computers have a bloody hard time representing a number. If you zoom in in Modo, for example, you'll get the same problem - it doesn't quite know what side of the 10th gridline to put a vertex at position 10.0!


                • #9
                  check this posts:

                  I too had some issues with it, but if you do a good scene planning/setup/preparation you won't have much issues with it


                  • #10
                    If you expect to be able to snap an object to another then zoom in to .00001mm wide area on screen and them be exact then you need to try some other 3d packages. (nurbs ones/autocad dont count)

                    From what i've seen the gap it creates is so insignificantly small that it's never close to being an issue.

                    Maybe your units setup/scene scale is messed up? I know it gets worse the further from 0,0 you get - if you're modelling 20 miles away and working in mm then I could see it becoming a problem. Theres a slider in unit setup which adjusts the accuracy of this too, have a play with that.
                    Last edited by Neilg; 14-11-2009, 02:08 PM.


                    • #11
                      scene planning-accuracy

                      thanks for helpful useful advice
                      Immersive media - design and production


                      • #12
                        Problems you discribed are typical if your object is too far away from 0,0 point. Move the whole scene closer to 0,0 and all will be OK.
                        In max preference sthere is a slider which'll tell you what precision to expect at what distance from 0,0 point

                        hope this helps


