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RPM Pass per light script...

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  • RPM Pass per light script...

    i'm working on this little tool and could really use some guidance. I worked out the RPM related kinks with Grant at RPM but this is still not fully functioning.

    It will create a Property CapSet for all lights in the scene. Then it creates a single pass for each light and attempts to turn all but that light off...

    It works to turn VRaySun off, but does not turn it back on again...

    Also, it is not working with daylight systems. i.e.
    $[2].enabled = true
    It still needs a lot of work beyond these issues. I have yet to take into account the number of existing CapSets.

    if not do RPMdata.RMopenFloater()
    global allLights = #()
    for a in lights where classof a != Targetobject do --and classof a != objectset 
            append allLights a
    capSet = RPMCaptureProps.createCaptureObjectSet() -- create a new capture set. Would like to add the Name at this point
    lightCapture = RPMCaptureProps.getMyPropDefinitions lightinputarray:#("On") --Define the properties
    RPMCaptureProps.assignCaptureProperties #(1) lightCapture --Assign the properties to the capture set. Would like to use the appropriate index here if there were existing CaptureSets
    RPMCaptureProps.addObjectsToSet 1 allLights suppressProgress:false -- Add all the lights to the CapSet
    --Build a pass for each light
    for i = 1 to allLights.count do
        lightname = allLights[i].name
        RPMdata.AddPassSetup setname:lightname noEdit:true
        --turn off all lights
        for k = 1 to allLights.count do 
            if (hasproperty allLights[k] "enabled") then allLights[k].enabled = false
            else if (hasproperty allLights[k][2] "enabled") then allLights[k][2].enabled = false
                else allLights[k].on = false 
        --turn on the corrisponding Light
        if (hasproperty allLights[i] "enabled") then allLights[i].enabled = true
            else if (hasproperty allLights[i][2] "enabled") then allLights[i][2].enabled = true
                else allLights[i].on = true 
        RPMCaptureProps.OPcapture_object allLights

  • #2
    For anyone interested, Grant from RPM worked it out for me. If you have RPM, this will create one pass per light, including any light with the "enabled" property instead of "on"


    p.s. if you don't have RenderPassManager, have a look here. It is a major lifesaver and the support is amazing.

    if not do RPMdata.RMopenFloater()
    global allLights = #()
    for a in lights where classof a != Targetobject do
            append allLights a
    global existPasses = RPMdata.GetPassCount() --store the existing number of passes
    print ("PassCount:" + existPasses as string)
    haveCreatedLightSet = false;
    --Build a pass for each light
    for i = 1 to allLights.count do
        lightname = allLights[i].name
        RPMdata.AddPassSetup setname:lightname noEdit:true force:true -- the force stops it asking about creating a camera
        if haveCreatedLightSet == false do -- if we call these before a pass is created it errors.
            -- assume there is only one
            capSet = RPMCaptureProps.createCaptureObjectSet() -- create a new capture set. Would like to add the Name at this point
            RPMCaptureProps.setCapSetName (RPMCaptureProps.getnumcapsets()) "Lights"
            lightCapture = RPMCaptureProps.getMyPropDefinitions lightinputarray:#("On") custominputarray:#("enabled")--Define the properties
            -- work around the problem that the last call didn't actually do what it should have and add the supplied custom property:
            lightCapture[7] = #("enabled")
            RPMCaptureProps.assignCaptureProperties #(RPMCaptureProps.getnumcapsets()) lightCapture --Assign the properties to the capture set. Would like to use the appropriate index here if there were existing CaptureSets
            RPMCaptureProps.addObjectsToSet (RPMCaptureProps.getnumcapsets()) allLights suppressProgress:false -- Add all the lights to the CapSet
            haveCreatedLightSet = true;
        for k = 1 to allLights.count do --turn off all lights
            if isproperty allLights[k] #on then (
                allLights[k].on = false --turn on the corrisponding Light
            else if isproperty allLights[k] #enabled do(
                allLights[k].enabled = false --turn on the corrisponding Light
        if isproperty allLights[i] #on then (
            allLights[i].on = true --turn on the corrisponding Light
        else if isproperty allLights[i] #enabled do(
            allLights[i].enabled = true --turn on the corrisponding Light
        RPMCaptureProps.OPcapture_object allLights


    • #3
      Awesome -that will be very handy. Thanks for the share!

      Brett Simms


      • #4
        No problem.

        The one thing it needs is to turn off the environment map in the common params. when i have time, I'll look into it. If anyone solves it in the mean time, I'd love to have an update.

