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Graphics Cards

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  • Graphics Cards

    Hi All,

    Hope you all had a great Christmas. Quick question about using gamer
    graphics cards for max. I just installed a Geforce 8800 Ultra into my
    system and was wonder what others did with regards to softmodding
    their gamer cards into quadro cards.

    I believe I can softmod this card to either an FX4600 or FX5600 but was
    wondering is it worth doing this or do you just leave the card as is, and
    if you leave it as a gamer card do you use direct X or open GL drivers.

    Many thanks and hope you all have a great new year.


  • #2
    Mmmm. If I remember correctly you could do this via Rivatuner - I think there were instructions on the Rivatuner forum website but I had done it ages ago - and may even have posted instructions somewhere here on this forum. It was a relatively simple step-by-step procedure.

    There was a huge performance difference/increase when it came to wireframes. I didn't see any negative performance hits when it came to gaming. I also had run it for well over a year without any crashes, etc.

    However, if you're on a newer machine, anything like a Geforce 260+ is still going to beat it.
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