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video with flash? maybe something else?

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  • video with flash? maybe something else?

    First...I don't really know flash. It frustrates me, other than the programming part (which I'm not good at due to the language being something I don't know).

    I'm hoping you guys can help me figure out if this is the best tool to use.

    I've got a series of videos to play for a product display.
    The guy needs to present it suing a powerpoint remote. It basically just has PageUp and PageDown keys and nothing else.

    I've got a few animations that need to be controlled by that. Some will start paused, play when he hits the remote. Then stop at the end. Others will loop when it hits the end, and advance to the next animation when the next key is hit.

    I was thinking this might be done best in flash. The only problem is, I am having a really hard time finding info on how to do that with videos in the most basic way. I don't need anything fancy. I just want to play the videos with no interface and using a couple keystrokes to control "next and previous."

    I was hoping to find an fla file that had something like that already, as2 or as3, but no such luck.

    Do any of you guys know of a good resource for that? Google's not being much help. Everyone is just giving help on streaming for the internet, and it's all about single videos so there's no control. Anything more advanced is Tons of scripting, but I know this can be done in a fairly simple way.
    If not, can you think of any other way to do it Not in flash?

  • #2
    I used to do as mpeg within Macromedia Director (or we should call it Adobe Dir..)

    you can do quicktime or mpg in Powerpoint - though 'paused at start' might be tricky

    but yeah you'd think there'd be a tool for Flash


    • #3
      Is there still such a thing as Director? Also, I remember it not being great at handling larger videos. 2560x150 seems a bit bigger than 640x480. I guess not by much though.
      Powerpoint isn't an option because a few of the video parts need to loop and the rest just need to stop at the last frame without budging. ppt will most likely 'hiccup' quite a bit between slides. Also, I'm not quite sure how ppt handles resolution. I'd like to make sure it's displaying at native resolution. Some of the lines are only 1 pixel wide, so that's important. If resolution isn't correct, then the thin lines will appear Much dimmer than they should be, depending on how far off it is.


      • #4
        Director is still around though I havent used it for years
        I used to run full screen mpeg and large quicktime no problem and machines are so much faster now

