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remove modifiers from selection

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  • remove modifiers from selection

    We have this stupid file that has 9240 objects on one layer. Ouch. Someone forgot to instance them, the placement isn't great, and half the things have a normal modifier applied to them. I don't know which half.

    Is there a way to just make a selection, and remove all modifiers? I would just convert all to editPoly, but I actually instanced a few before I realized a bunch had modifiers. Won't that kill that?

  • #2
    There is a ModifierUtilities script in the SoulburnScript pack that can remove specified modifiers from a selection.
    Ben Steinert


    • #3
      Second the SoulBurn Scripts. A great bunch of tools. Also, ModifierModifier Zorb on ScriptSpot is hot. great for mass edits of non instanced geometry.

      IN the Soulburn Scripts there is an object replacer. So if you have a bunch of identical objects that are copies, not instances, you can use the script to replace them all with a single object, instanced over the lot. The one catch of course is that the pivots have to be aligned properly.

      It's very cool and will give you options to keep all or some of the original properties, i.e. name, pos/rot/scale, material, layer etc.
      Last edited by jonahhawk; 14-03-2010, 04:54 PM.


      • #4
        Thanks guys. That's exactly what I needed. It removed the ones that had modifiers, and ignored the others. Very useful.
        And I found a few other scripts in there that I may be able to utilize as well.

        Problem solved.

