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Win 7 window focus issues

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  • Win 7 window focus issues

    Is anyone else having issues with Windows 7 flaking out when it's deciding which open window it decides to give focus to? I'm having a hell of a time getting the VFB to stay put and a handful of times, accessing dialog boxes and while creating selections in Photoshop, Win 7 decides it's a great time to randomly give focus to another application thus closing the selection set I was just working on.

    Hrm. An issue with Aero? Talking with a few Revit users, a section of the bottom portion of Revit 2011 gets garbled with Aero enabled.

  • #2
    I'm suprised people leave aero on, isnt it just a skin?

    I've not had any issues with it at home but you'd think I was on 98' from a quick glance.


    • #3
      Yes I also roll Back to an older look. As all the Flashy Stuff makes my Video Card and stuff crash often. After disabling all the pretty effects i have had no issues.
      Ruben Gil


      • #4
        Yeah. I just killed Aero.

        I liked being able to preview windows by mousing over them on the taskbar; not worth the hassle though.

        Heh. I know what you mean about looking like '98. I drive IT nuts by usually getting the interface as far back as I can.

        This may interest you:


        • #5
          nice! totally downloaded. I hate the start menu added in vista.

          "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


          • #6
            Does any one know how to disable the stupid drop effect when using a wacom tablet... those pen animation are simply useless and probably do more harm then any good.

            Advanced Painter script + Soulburn Object Painter script stopped working on win 7 too. I'm starting to think that xp 64bit might still be the best option for production.


            • #7
              Don't go back to XP.
              You won't be able to use newer software like Adobe CS5.
              Just deactivate the features of win7 that you don't need and keep your drivers up to date.
              I am working on win7 64Bit with max2010 64Bit and it's the most reliable setup i ever had.
              Reflect, repent and reboot.
              Order shall return.


              • #8
                adv painters works on win7 x64 havent try the soulburn's yet

