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Max 2011 Snaps

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  • Max 2011 Snaps

    Is it weird or is it me who can't use it?
    I can't make 2.5D snaps work anymore.
    for my blog and tutorials:

  • #2
    No it is not just you there is some thing up with the snapping. After a while it keeps snapping with the pivot point of the object and snap constraints will don't work. The only solution i have found it to restart max then it is all fine again.
    Resolution Digital


    • #3
      It's not just you Pixela.

      The snaps are causing me some serious frustration in 2011. They do seem to be more accurate, but they definitely are not more functional. The main issue that I am having has to do with the lack of the "Use axis center as start snap point" option in the Grid and snap settings. It no longer exists, and gone with it, the functionality of the snaps. The Max 2011 help files claim, "Dragging from the snap handle is equivalent to using the snap option Use Axis Center As Start Snap Point that was available in versions of 3ds Max prior to Autodesk 3ds Max 2011." This absolutely is not true. The best part about that option is that it allows you to pan across the viewport and snap a locked object to your cursor location. Now you have to keep the object which you are moving in the viewport at all times. It seems like a small program change, but it really is a huge change, and it's makes modeling more cumbersome and a lot slower. I have also done some searching on the CGarchitect forums, and there were a few people who claim to love the new snapping system. I must be missing something, or maybe it's a difference in my workflow. I don't use the transform gizmos, instead I use keyboard shortcuts since I have found them to be a lot faster than the gizmo.

      I don't know if I am explaining my frustration very well, does anyone else have this problem? Or has anyone found a solution to make the snaps work like they did before 2011?



      • #4
        Yes I understood very well.
        I have just discovered a work around. In the new snap system if you grab from the snap point, then the axis constraints get disabled but if you grab from any other point than the snap center, the snap system works like the older versions without loosing the constaints.
        I hope I was able to explain
        for my blog and tutorials:


        • #5
          Thanks Pixela. Your tip does help with the 2.5D snap constraint problem. I am still having a hard time working without the 'Use axis center as start snap point' option. This was such a useful option in previous versions. Last Friday I just gave in and back-saved my current project back in to Max 2010. I'll keep trying to work in 2011 when I don't have a pressing deadline.


          • #6
            I think I haven't used 'Use axis center as start snap point' option before.
            I will check this and if I find any solution, will write here.
            for my blog and tutorials:


            • #7
              Yes, its hard to believe that they actually removed the "Use axis center as start snap point" option. No matter what you do, without it, you always have to have the selected object in your viewport. Really very frustrating!


              • #8
                I re-saved my last project to max 2010 just because of the snap issue and the slow new material editor. Hope it gets fixed soon.



                • #9
                  I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding your problem, but doesn't locking your selection allow you to move using the current axis constraint without having to use the gizmo?
                  I have to say I find the new snapping system is one of the best things about 2011!
                  Patrick Macdonald
                  Lighting TD : Developer of "Mission Control", the spreadsheet editor for 3ds Max


                  • #10

                    You're right, Max does allow you to move an object without the gizmo when you have it locked. But there is still a difference in the functionality of the snaps. I know I may not be explaining myself very well, but in pre-2011 versions you could lock the object and then pan your viewport to the right location, then just a click of the mouse would snap the selected object to the cursor location. I might try and post a quick video on Youtube soon. I think the problem might be best explained by an example.

                    Thanks everyone,

                    Last edited by ajroane; 06-07-2010, 09:33 PM.


                    • #11
                      Weird, I can't recreate that behaviour in max2009. Is there a setting to enable this?
                      Patrick Macdonald
                      Lighting TD : Developer of "Mission Control", the spreadsheet editor for 3ds Max


                      • #12
                        I fixed a typo in my last post, I meant to say pre-2011 instead of 2010, since the snap issue is only with 2011.

                        Patrick: I have attached a screen shot of the snap option setting that needs to be turned on in order to get the snaps to act the way I am used to having them act. With this setting enabled it should act the way I am describing. So you just enable snaps, select an object, lock the selection, and click your left-mouse button to snap the object to your cursor location.

                        Last edited by ajroane; 06-07-2010, 10:05 PM.


                        • #13
                          Ah, my 2011 snap dialog doesnt have "use axis center as snap point"
                          Patrick Macdonald
                          Lighting TD : Developer of "Mission Control", the spreadsheet editor for 3ds Max


                          • #14
                            any idea where this "Use axis Centre" checkbox went in 2011?


                            • #15
                              They got rid of it. There's a tiny yellow circle that appears went your mouse hovers over the centre of the move gizmo. You're supposed to use this instead.
                              Dan Brew

