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Don't ya hate it when you do stupid shi$????

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  • Don't ya hate it when you do stupid shi$????

    Ok... for the last 2 days I'm rendering stuff (nothing with a critical timeline fortunately) and wondering why only 3 of my 12 slaves are participating in DR renders. Just before I noticed this happening, I had rendered a really heavy scene that required me to restart the slaves after each rendering (not enough ram...). I had noticed in the past sometimes after restarting the Vray license server, the slaves would need a restart. So, I restart the slaves and I still get the same 3 slaves participating.... scratching my head.... render some more.... restart the slaves again....

    Then I remember.... for some reason that I can't recall, I disabled all the other slaves in the DR settings dialog!!!

    UGH!! Why do I do stupid crap like that sometimes?!?!

    Anyone else care to share their brainfarts???
    John Pruden
    3D Model Marketplace

  • #2
    Damn. I am pretty sure there is a limit on i'll have to choose wisely :P's a bunch of favs:

    - After submitting a job to the farm, continue to work and do some more testrenders...just forget to turn of the save checkbox and fubar yourself
    - And of course the other way round...submit a job to the farm and forget to turn ON the save checkbox :P (even tho this one is obsolete mostly due to inhouse tools these days)
    - In order to judge testrenderings change the background colour to grey and forget to switch back before submitting the job -> stupid edges here i come
    - Submit a job using plugins with limited licenses to all servers -> Errors all over the place locking down the farm....the higher the priority the better the fun :P
    - Turning off Autosave in big files as it is a DRAG and then forgetting to save for 3 hours -> definately having a crash then of course

    There is LOADS more....someone wanna found a facebook group ?



    • #3
      The windows firewall has driven me crazy more than once.


      • #4
        Installing the 64b version of plugins I use on my main workstation on the 32b machines I use for my farm.

        Although it's the brainfarts of others that irk me more. A company partner once decided to turn off the A/C over a weekend to save some money; telling neither myself or IT. One server and two render nodes ended up slightly fried.


        • #5
          Hah...our cleaning lady once decided she would save us some money...tsk tsk tsk...running a climate while noone is there ? One literally could not touch the racks in the morning hehehe

          That has been quite a while ago...and wouldnt be possible anymore due to a lot more security (nope, the cleaning women dont have a key to the server room :P ) and shitloads of monitoring



          • #6
            Opened up rhino to carry on modelling a large, complex model. Clicked what I thought was the open button and then selected the file. Turned out to be the save button..... ended up overwriting many days of work with an empty scene... sh!t, was I annoyed!!!


            • #7
              How about collapsing a Photoshop file to save a copy as a png or jpg. Then close the file and it askes if you want to save the psd and you say yes, basically wiping out all of your photoshop layers with a nicely collapsed one. arrrrrgggghhhhhh!
              Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
              Midwest Studios


              • #8
                In addition to ones already mentioned....

                - Sending an animation to the farm only to find out in the morning that I left it at rendering every 30th frame instead of every frame.
                - Forgetting to activate render elements before rendering.
                - Forgetting to activate Xref scenes that are disabled for performance.


                • #9
                  HarHar! It feels so good to read this thread!
                  Over the years in CG i would say i hit every mentioned failure above at least one time ( or even worse: some of them come again and again...)
                  Are we (or am i) stupid or is it the CG Stuff that is soo mad that you can`t do it without failures?
                  In Germany we have a saying, it says: Somebody who works makes failures! ( but in the end it is more worth then not working at all )
                  I think especially in CG there are so many little things that you should have in mind, it`s nearly impossible to do all those things right in the first time.
                  I guess you all know the time passing between "ah i think i can render now...) and "ah ok, now maybe it`s rendering right...), don`t you?!
                  ... roughly speaking, i have the feeling you can practice vray and cg like martial arts... there is no end in the skills someone could have...


                  • #10
                    if max crashes and you restart and load the file back up from autoback but forget to re-save as the right file name. then after hours of work click save. feel proud of the work you did then leave. when you come back the next day and open max then go get a coffee or something before opening your scene and starting work. therefore your autoback files are now all saved blank scenes so you lost the hours of work plus all the work you had done up till the crash

                    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                    stupid questions the forum can answer.


                    • #11
                      I hate when I'm sending a file to render and then trying to leave in a hurry...not realizing that the missing map dialogue has popped up. So I'll come in the next morning to find it still there and the render hasn't even started. Now i make sure i see some activity before i matter how much of a rush I'm in!
                      -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


                      • #12
                        Continuing to use Accurender plugin in AutoCAD for my rendering and NOT upgrading to MAX and Vray when I should have.
                        Eric Camper
                        Studio 3D


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by EricCamper View Post
                          Continuing to use Accurender plugin in AutoCAD for my rendering and NOT upgrading to MAX and Vray when I should have.
                          this wins hands down

                          MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                          stupid questions the forum can answer.


                          • #14
                            i was having problems with my computer crashing sporadically when i hit the render button. Spent umpteen hours trying to track it down. Finally discovered that right after i hit render, i would often push my chair back and it would bump the plug that was at floor level and momentarily disconnect it causing my computer to go off and then go back on.
                            Drove me nuts until i figured that out.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mikeh View Post
                              i was having problems with my computer crashing sporadically when i hit the render button. Spent umpteen hours trying to track it down. Finally discovered that right after i hit render, i would often push my chair back and it would bump the plug that was at floor level and momentarily disconnect it causing my computer to go off and then go back on.
                              Drove me nuts until i figured that out.
                              This one gets my vote as the best.
                              I have done all of these for sure but Thorsten's list is pretty bang on to my usual screw ups.
                              Brett Simms


