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TreeStorm Tree leaf size

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  • TreeStorm Tree leaf size

    I am using treestorm to generate trees within Max. I want to have wind animating the trees, so I really need to keep them as Treestorm objects.

    I have a nice tree, but the leaves are just too small. How do you control the size of the leaves? If I open the same onyx file in Broadleaf, I have the leaves set to 'large' which is as big as they can go.

    If I export the tree from Broadleaf, you are given more control over the size of the leaves, but the same controls aren't within Treestorm in Max.

    Any ideas?
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket


  • #2
    DANG, i was hoping someone had a solution to this. It has been one of my gripes against treestorm and one reason why i stopped using it.


    • #3

      I solved one of my issues though. For some reason, regardless of what size (tiny, sml, large etc) I set the leaves to within Onyx Broadleaf, the trees when generated with TreeStorm within Max were always tiny. I then checked 'flat leaves' in the Broadleaf editor, and the leaves at least responded to tiny/small/large etc.

      It would be nice if you could type in the size of the leaves within TreeStorm though. Even if you could have a mixture of different sizes.

      Are you listening Onyx?
      Kind Regards,
      Richard Birket



      • #4
        as i understand things at Onyx, treestorm coding is outsourced. the basic Onyx trees shrubs ect is done in house. I'm surprised that they have continued treestorm. When ever i had problems with Treestorm in the past and brought it to their attention, their fix was to disable the feature and that solved the problem. Not a fix in my opinion. That being said, Pjer at Onyx is more than happy to listen. Call him and he will talk with you about it. Who knows, maybe it will get changed.


        • #5
          Brought up this same thing a couple of years ago whilst working for a company learning to use it....apparantly all I got back was a Onyx tree is always in developmentreply...what ever that means???
          It's just an awesome program that unfortunately needs to be rewritten from the ground up.....and I guess there's a lot of money envoled in that.
          It's such a pity too when it's being used by so many people and seems to be the best commercial option for trees & plants for such a long time. There are literally hundreds of needed improvements/modifications that would make it sooo much better though.
          . Maybe the Vray guys should buy them out.....and re-code it properly...what a good

