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  • #16
    Same here, I am about to be made redundant, office relying too much on BSF projects (UK), the new government then scrapped most of them. A director also informed me that your average university leaver can do what I do!
    Funny how I have to do quick models and renders for these same people to sketch over!
    Yet of all the architects, part 1, 2 and 3 students who 'can do 3D' passing thru this and all the other offices I have worked in have never ever brought any examples to show me!
    Revit and Microstation BIM has finally kiboshed my career, but I would love to be a fly on the wall when architects start 3D'ing, most have a problem with 2D, seems to me they will spend 75% of their time trying to do 3D, 24% tidying up their attempts and 1% actually designing.
    Anyway I have paid off my mortgage, so who gives a s**t, probably a good time to get back into graphics/illustration/marketing.




    • #17
      Why? you know you're just a luxury here and don't really need to be here
      now that is funny! I think if you are good at what you do you'll be around, but if you are not then your days are numbered. Why pay someone days to render something that isn't any better then you get in minutes using Revit? 3DS MAX, out of the box, isn't much better than Revit and most people don't get very good at MAX. The stuff I see coming out of Revit look like what I was doing 20 years ago in Accurender. It took a lot of work to make an Accurender look good, but I mastered it. Now the same quality can be achieved in Revit relatively easily.

      I have been practicing animation because what is hard now in MAX soon will become easy in Revit so I'll always be ahead of the competition.
      Bobby Parker
      phone: 2188206812

      My current hardware setup:
      • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
      • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
      • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
      • ​Windows 11 Pro


      • #18
        I still find it hard to believe that Revit can output a better 3d model than Max or Autocad Arch. But I have never used it, but from what I have seen, it seems harder to customize stuff... But I am probably way off. LOL... Most of our projects involves curves that can probably never be built... LOL...
        I still love being able to just draw a line wherever I want, extrude, loft and whatever... I doubt our firm will ever need BIM... We tried... But no one really wanted to put the time in, NOR did we have the project and time to learn on...

        IT...Luxury??? Now that's funny...
        Eric Camper
        Studio 3D


        • #19
          Revit out of the box uses Mental Ray now. It takes work to produce something good, but so does MAX. MAX is a lot faster so if you got good in Revit you'll want speed the the natural migration is MAX.
          Bobby Parker

          phone: 2188206812

          My current hardware setup:
          • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
          • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
          • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
          • ​Windows 11 Pro


          • #20
            I'll ask the editor about the article...i have the pdf proof of the mag..just not sure if i can give it out!
            -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----

