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  • Phoenix

    Where can I ask a question about Phoenix FD? Phoenix section of the forum is locked...

  • #2
    I guess you could ask here. You need to be a Phoenix FD user to get access to the forum.
    Torgeir Holm |


    • #3
      I'm a Phoenix FD user and didn't have the access to wrote anything in the phoenix section .
      GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
      freelance 3D artist


      • #4
        If you are a Phoenix FD user you need to email with your forum username, and they will give you access. This is at the bottom of the email they send out when you buy it.
        Torgeir Holm |


        • #5
          Email send !
          I haven't this info on the email i received from 3DVF ( the reseller ) or from Tania ( chaosgroup sales team ) and Teodora ( chaosgroup technical team ).
          so i'm waiting to beeing able to post on the phoenix forum now, i've some questions .
          GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
          freelance 3D artist


          • #6
            Weird, It should be in section 4 (support) in the download access mail.
            Torgeir Holm |


            • #7
              That"'s why i haven't receive this info . I've never receive my download access mail.
              i've just receive my update for the dongle and i've downloaded my phoenixFD copy from my download area on the chaosgroup website.
              I don't know who is the fault, my resseller or chaosgroup ? but it's a real pain to buy a chaosgroup product. Usually, when i buy a downloadable product, i'm able to download it in minutes after purchasing.
              With chaosgroup, you need to choose a resseller to buy. Wich didn't do anything, then you must contact chaosgroup to say that you have purchased a product. chaosgroup need to call the resseler and you, to ask you to call your resseler to have some info about your purchase .. then if you are lucky, the next day you have the update for the dongle.
              But you never receive any info about your purchase or any download link .
              That's why i suffer when i buy Vray .. VrayRT and now Phoenix.

              Lucky me ! The technicale and sales services from chaosgroup are really helpfull to solve this .

              but damned, why to not just doing thinks working like everywhere ?
              You pay online and receive all infos and links in 1 mail would beeing more efficient.
              GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
              freelance 3D artist

