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3ds crashing when hitting modifier stack button

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  • 3ds crashing when hitting modifier stack button

    As the title says.. crashes when hitting the modifier stack button..

    Of course did lots of things..

    Revert drivers, re-install 3dsMax design 2009.. and keeps crashing.. so taught it would be a good time to switch to Max 2011 then... same thing, crashes when clicking the arrow in the modifier stack.
    After that, had the IT guy fool around with it for like 3 hours, no success..

    So, Decided to re-install OS.. but can not do that now, so I installed 3ds Max 2009 on a temp. laptop.. after install, drew a box, clicked the modify pannel.. crashes.. (?%$?&$()*?*)

    So went to a slave station that i'm using for DR usually, clicked the 3ds Icon, As I should be able to use it for 30 days.. clicked 4 times before it launches, drew a box when it finally kicked in, modify panel.. crash...

    Everything was working fine this very morning.. we had a windows update, but that was lats thursday, ( 4 days ago)

    so, 3 different machines having the exact same problem at the same time.. anybody else got that?

    Feel free to share if you guys got a hint on what is happening.
    Alain Blanchette

  • #2
    Have you tried removing all 3rd party plugins to see if the problem is there?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I tried launching Max 2010 with no plugins, would not even start...

      So what really bugs me is that all the computer in the office are doing that at the same time.... any version of Max on any computer
      Alain Blanchette


      • #4
        Well, I didn't mean no plugins at all, just no 3rd party plugins like V-Ray, simcloth etc - anything you have installed additionally.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          The one (2010) was a fresh install on a fresh machine, so that is why I was saying I tried with no plugins. I tried home, yesterday, with the same setup, and everything was working fine. I'm now narrowing my search to office related stuff, like network, viruses and so on.

          Thanks Vlado
          Alain Blanchette


          • #6
            Ok.. Antivirus, we are using Sophos, and it did screw something. There is no desactivate button on this antivirus, And I did not have the permissions to uninstall. We are now going to give Sophos guys a call...
            Alain Blanchette


            • #7
              Ugghhh.reason I hate Norton.....
              Two heads are better than one ...
              ....but some head is better than none.....


              • #8
                AVast is awesome and never gave me a problem.....and saved my butt a few times...
                Two heads are better than one ...
                ....but some head is better than none.....


                • #9
                  We had other antivirus software at the office previously, but people were able to turn them off or uninstall them. As in every office, on a bunch of 100 people, there is a few s***** mo**** that would let the office get infected because they felt that this was slowing down their computer. That is why we ( they, the IT crew) went with Sophos. You can not un install it yourself, as it is machine / server driven. Also, updates every hour or so on the server.
                  So I think the product is great for the kind of place i'm in, but looks like this time there is a glitch.
                  We gave them a call, and they are actually trouble shooting this with th IT guy here, so great customer service as well. Do not know many compagnies having such a customer support.... oh wait, I know one that's got even better support, but they are not in the antivirue business yet
                  Alain Blanchette


                  • #10
                    im on 2009 and i get this problem. its annoying as hell and im using AVG

                    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                    stupid questions the forum can answer.


                    • #11
                      So mabee it is more of an Autodesk related problem than an antivirus problem then...

                      EDIT: On an other forum, somebody had some problem with Norton as well. Seems to be related with "Heuristic" scanning.
                      Last edited by thablanch; 30-08-2010, 08:17 AM. Reason: More information on the problem
                      Alain Blanchette


                      • #12
                        i can mess with AVGs settings and turn it on and off. ill give it a try with it off and see if the problem occurs again. if not then ill turn it back on and try changing the scaning type

                        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                        stupid questions the forum can answer.


                        • #13
                          A little update.. the problem is fixed now ( if ever some people run into similar problems)

                          The supression of a specific .dll, and getting the updates based on our server instead of on the web was the solution. The new way that this antivirus was looking for web updates was the problem. So not Autodesk problem, and not the scanning type.
                          Alain Blanchette

