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Vray development

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  • Vray development

    i think development of new features is going slower the last weeks, we don´t see a new version every 4 days.

    thats not a complain!
    i think it is time to fix the feature list and work on the last bugs and stability.

    does this mean we are closer to a final 1.1 version?

    or have you (peter and vlado) some new ideas that will make it into vray before v1.1?

    im curious what the near future will bring.

  • #2
    Not to burst your bubble but new versions routinely come out every month to a month and a half. That being said Siggraph is coming up ...
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      i was sposed to go, school was gonna host me, but now it seems like thats even fallen thru
      5 years and counting.


      • #4
        Development goes slow!

        Still waiting for the new promised features...

        Anyhow, every Build get's better. Hope they do a view good shaders next. Can't wait to see real Glass-shader (just look at finalRender) or Metal-Shader (again Cebas had this years ago). And a lot more...
        But I think all we get next is phönix! A standalone Version of Vray and a Maya Version.
        So sad...

        I'm registed believe me! Just miss that logo.


        • #5
          Still waiting for the new promised features...
          and that is?

          Can't wait to see real Glass-shader (just look at finalRender) or Metal-Shader (again Cebas had this years ago)
          cebas has a metal and a glass shader for years?
          sure you can point me to the program from cebas who has a metal or glas shader?
          my copy of fR stage-0 has no such shader, i got cheated?

          the hyped stage-1 is promised for "years" but it´s still not released and stage-0 has no specials shaders at all.... only a shity fR material.

          next time get some infos BEFORE you make such wrong statements!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Long John
            cebas has a metal and a glass shader for years?
            sure you can point me to the program from cebas who has a metal or glas shader?
            go to fr material, open the advanced menu and open your eyes!
            I still miss this. If you want, I can post a comparsion between Vray and FinalRender Glass. There are many things that a different.

            Features: Better Hair support, faster displacement, photon map for all materials, speculare for Vray material, faster Dof and motion blur, invisible to GI, exclude from reflection, etc...

            I'm registed believe me! Just miss that logo.


            • #7
              i don´t have to open my eyes, instead you have to know what you are talking about.

              look, if stage-0 would have such special shaders, don´t you think edwin would have advertise this in his typical bigm**th way?
              but no, special material shader are coming with stage-1 (if it comes at all).

              may i aks, whats so special about the controls in the advanced rollout?
              a few refraction/reflection controls, absorption, glossiness, anisotropy.

              please tell us whats in the fR advanced rollout that you can not achive with the vray material, maybe some here can help you.

              and yes, i would like to see your glass comparison.

              i see no reason why cebas glass material should be better then vrays.
              now that fresnel affects the transparent shadows it looks even more real.

