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How do I get max to inherit a movement in local coordinate space?

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  • How do I get max to inherit a movement in local coordinate space?

    I have an object rotated, and one straight, like so -

    And I want to link it to the object on the right, and when I move the object on the right in the y axis, I want the one on the left to move in it's own Y axis. At the moment it moves in world space.
    I'm not sure if wire parameters will work - I need to be able to have it as keyframes at the end. I'm doing it with 100+ objects and shifting the keys.

    The reason I ask is because i'm trying to use the script 'keytransfer', and when setting it up to move a bunch of panels back into place it doesnt follow the local axis.
    Whoever made the plugin managed to get the panels to move in a local axis on this -
    But i cant figure it out. Rotation works locally, just not movement - it's always in world space

    Any ideas?

    If theres a way to store keyframes within local space (so when you rotate the pivot, it changes the animation) i'd be all over it, it'd solve 95% of all problems I hit with this.

    I think my last 20 threads started on here have been something to do with the local/world axis and animation too. I just dont understand why it wont work the way I want it to...

  • #2
    I've attached a simple scene if anyone wants to have a crack.
    box001 has the movement I want applied to the rest of the objects. The rest of them have their pivots rotated correctly - but I cant get any scripts to pay attention to this.

    The scene is max 2011.


    • #3
      I re read the post and my answer waswrong
      Last edited by val2; 30-11-2010, 12:55 PM.
      val valgardson


      • #4

        Not sure at 100% but..

        Select object > Right Click > Wire parameter > Transform > Position > Pick one you want.. I think u have to add somewhere ''local''

        Also if not this way go for icon... its up your screen

        on the right from MOVE Rotate Scale VIEW << Change to local and another icon next to it 2 rectangles... pick the 1st one from drop down menu... and try it now

        Last edited by Dariusz Makowski (Dadal); 30-11-2010, 04:04 PM.
        CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look


        • #5
          I think the big thing that will help you in these situations comes down to hierarchy. Movement doesn't always happen in world space, it happens in parent space. When an object isn't linked to anything, it's parent is the World, so it seems like it is working in world space, but if you think of it as the World is the parent, and it's still just working in parent space, then it will make things easier. I know it's not going to be as elegant as only having 2 objects, but if you add a point helper into that rig, so the point helper is the parent of each box, then that will allow you to move them around. When you rotate the point helper, the boxes and animation underneath will then change as well.

          I didn't quite get what you were trying to do in the attached file versus in your image (and can't watch the youtube vid @ work.) Hopefully that gives you some insight into get things works how you want. If not let me know, I like figuring out these types of things.
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          • #6
            Thanks for all the pointers

            I think i'm finally getting to grips with how all this works now.

            DADAL - that kind of works, but it's not really ideal for the scale I need it on. I need to do 100's of objects...

            I've figured out a cheat way to do what i wanted but it'd fall apart with overly complex objects, so i'll set up a quick scene this week so you can see the effect.
            I'll have a look into the point helpers, never used them before.


            • #7
              You need to add a secondary xyz transform to the object (in a transform list) you want to move in local space and then just wire the required secondary motion x,y or z (local space) parameter to one of the world space transforms (x,y,z) of the controller.


              My Portfolio


              • #8
                That keytransfer script looks ace!!


                • #9
                  Coming late to the party, but here is a way using a simple script.
                  It also works with keyframing/auto key.
                  I'm not an animator, I'm not familar with many animation tools, but I find scripting pretty easy to understand, once you're familar with the syntax.

                  this script moves every selected object 10m along the local X axis:
                  --movement [x,y,z]
                  --decodeValue means unit conversion to system units
                  --this is needed because "10m" is not a numeric value
                  movement=[units.decodeValue "10m",0,0]
                  --loop all selected objects
                  for obj in selection do
                  	in coordsys local 
                  		--new position = current pos + new value
                  		--position values are point3 values [x,y,z], you can simply add them
                  edit: where is that keytransfer script?
                  It should be quite easy to copy the movement to other objects in their respective coordsys, but I never tried.
                  Last edited by plastic_; 11-12-2010, 06:46 AM.
                  Marc Lorenz
                  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

