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Showing interiors for exteriors - Simualted Interiors

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  • Showing interiors for exteriors - Simualted Interiors

    Hi Everyone,

    I have a large condo development that we're working on and we would like to be able to show the buildings as having some life going on inside. I recalled that a while back there was a thread here with a link to another form where a guy had come up with a way of showing interiors randomly based on the windows acting as portals or something.

    I hope I'm describing it right.

    Anyways, also, if this isn't something that can be done in MAX, what other tips do you guys have, short of modeling/lightingthe entire interior of all these buildings. Currently, I'm relying on reflections, bright facades in order to trick the eye into not expecting to see anything in the interiors.

  • #2
    There is a perfect plugin for this...but not for Max


    • #3
      That's the one - But I think last time I saw it, it wasn't a commercial product..... This would be pure gold in Max.


      • #4
        VrayPattern is under development by the same folks that do VrayScatter/MultiScatter. Check it out here:

        It appears to have the capability to do what you need, but who knows when it will be available.

        There is also a little information about the same tool on these forums under the topic "Grass Sea."
        Ben Steinert

